I Care Because…

  • You should find some friends to comfort you

    Nolann — 13 years old
  • Do not think of self-harm, talk to your parents brothers and sisters or a trustful person. you are beautiful.

    iqdal and jules — 12
  • There are people around You , You are not alone . You live for yourself and not for others . We are all equals.

    Nina,Lise,Lola — 12
  • You should ignore them and don’t let their words affect you. If they continue, go talk about it to an adult.
    You have to stay strong against them even if ignoring them is the best solution since if you have no reaction its not fun for them, and if its going too far talk about it to your parents even if you are scared to do it, you need to. Don’t be scared to talk about it, if you talk about it they will get punished for it and let you in the calm.
    And if you are too scared you can call someone who specialized on listening and helping people who get buillied.

    Kiona — 12
  • Don’t panic. Speak.

    Matheo and noa — 12
  • Hello Little message of courages.
    I went through a same thing but a girl helped me and today this girl is my best friend. Don’t stay alone.

    Lilou and Doriane — 13
  • If you are bullied talk to an adult.
    And call some numbers against bullying.
    You should try to make friends too and dont stay alone.

    Louis et luis.mathis — 13
  • You shouldn’t worry and just Talk about this.
    Maybe You should start to make New friends.
    You shouldn’t listen to them anymore.

    Margo,adam,ines — 13
  • Nobody deserves to be bullied. You shouldn’t listen to the bully. You should talk about this to an adult and be yourself.

    Jordan Ethan Emma — 13
  • Nobody deserves to be bullied. Bullying is wrong and cruel and evil. I also have been a victim of bullying before and it hurts. Please don't bully people.

    Willow — 16