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Learning From The Earth - A Summer Solstice Nonviolence Retreat

  • A Pace e Bene online workshop (map)

Learning From The Earth - A Summer Solstice Nonviolence Retreat

Saturday, June 19th // 4 hours with a juicy, long break!

  • 9am-11am Pacific (one hour break) 12pm -2pm Pacific.

  • 10am-12pm Mtn (one hour break) 1pm -3pm Mtn.

  • 11am-1pm Central (one hour break) 2pm -4pm Central.

  • 12pm-2pm Eastern (one hour break) 3pm -5pm Eastern.

In this Summer Solstice Nonviolence Retreat, we will open our hearts and minds to the many ways that the Earth embodies and teaches us nonviolence. We sometimes think of our species as either the destroyer or the savior of the planet, but in this webinar we will reframe our relationship into one of solidarity and interconnection. From a place of humility and respect, we will remember the profound lessons of living systems: how forests cooperate and communicate, how animals navigate conflict, the ways starlings can teach us about leaderful movements, and more. We will debunk the false myths of competition and survival-of-the-fittest and draw new understandings from evolutionary biology. Tides, seasons, cycles, the Earth is also masterful at making change. In this day-long online retreat, we will look at how grounding ourselves in the Earth’s skillfulness at change-making can help us in our nonviolent campaigns. As a group, we will tap into the ages-old wisdom and emergent science that grounds and connects us as we stand in solidarity with this incredible Earth.

Participants will:

  • Reaffirm their connection this beloved planet

  • Learn from both age-old wisdom and emerging science

  • Tap into nonviolence lessons from non-human sources

  • Remember pro-tips in changemaking from this ever-evolving Earth

COST: $40 USD. Register below. If you are in need of a scholarship, just let us know. No one will be turned away. Email us at

REQUIREMENT: Have a good internet connection and understand how zoom works. No previous experience required.


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Veronica Pelicaric

Veronica Pelicaric is Pace e Bene’s Nonviolence training coordinator and the co-author of the book, Engaging Nonviolence. She has led Pace e Bene nonviolence workshops in Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina, Haiti, Australia, Britain, and the Netherlands. A Zen Buddhist, she is conversant in six languages. She lives in Montreal, Canada.

Rivera Sun

Author/Activist Rivera Sun is the Editor of Nonviolence News, a nationwide trainer in strategy for nonviolent movements, and the author of many books and novels, including The Dandelion Insurrection and The Way Between. She serves on the Advisory Board of World Beyond War and Backbone Campaign.

The earth is what we all have in common.
— Wendell Berry