Time to boost SNAP, extend unemployment benefits

Staff Writer
Telegram & Gazette

Just released federal government data continues to show the depth of the employment struggle that so many American residents are facing. The official unemployment rate released for August was 8.4%, still nearly double the rate of February 2020 (4.9%). That’s higher than the unemployment rate ever reached in the last two recessions. Some of the hardest hit Massachusetts industries – such as leisure and hospitality that have employed the lowest income residents – continue to hemorrhage significant job loss.

Millions of Americans remain unemployed this Labor Day. Dozens of Massachusetts cities including Lawrence, Worcester, Springfield, Holyoke, Revere and New Bedford and other communities of color are facing significantly higher unemployment rates than the state average. Meanwhile demand for emergency food resources continues to put extreme demand on local food pantries and food banks.

Congress must get to back to the negotiating table and enact a COVID-19 relief package to alleviate food hardship and jump start the economy. The road map for action is the House-passed Heroes Act package that would boost SNAP benefits as well as extend pandemic unemployment. It would do much to limit the depth and duration of the hardship and recession. Every $1 of SNAP during a downturn generates between $1.50 and $1.80 in economic activity, a lot of bang for the buck.

The residents of Central Mass can’t afford to lose more time. The stakes are too high. Please boost SNAP and extend unemployment now!

Gina Plata-Nino, Staff Attorney

Central West Justice Center
