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DEI Modules

These modules were developed as part of a grant program and have been made available to all Leagues to use. 

These modules were developed as part of a grant program and have been made available to all Leagues to use. 

They each consist of a short, interactive webinar in which participants are encouraged to pause and work through various discussion questions and exercises. Along with the webinar there are links to additional resources including webinars developed by LWV and articles, videos, and presentations developed by external sources. 

DEI Module 1: The Whys and What of DEI - The purpose of this module is to offer a deeper understanding of what we mean by Diversity Equity and Inclusion and how it is connected to the work we are doing. (17 min.)

DEI Module 2: Applying a DEI Lens to Our League Work - The purpose of this module is to offer a deeper understanding of what a DEI lens is and how we can apply it to our work. (25 min.)

DEI Module 3: DEI Commitment and Goal Setting - The purpose of this module is to offer a deeper understanding of how to commit to DEI on a deeper level, use it to engage with your community and your League and how to set goals with a DEI lens. (19 min.)

DEI Module 4: Understanding and Partnering With Your Community - Part 1 - The purpose of this module is to offer a deeper understanding of how to collect information to understand the diversity of your community, membership, and engagers. (12 min.)

DEI Module 5: Understanding and Partnering With Your Community - Part 2 - The purpose of this module is to offer a deeper understanding of how to be equitable and inclusive in how we work in our communities and lead our organization. (18 min.)