We Stand in Solidarity With the Writers' Strike

The RootsAction Education Fund stands in solidarity with the Writers Guild strikers.

The success of your struggle against corporate greed is important for all workers enmeshed in “the new economy,” which values those who take the profits over those who do the work. You are showing that collective and unified action is the path toward a more just economy and fairer society.  

Whether one works for the studios or for Amazon, Walmart or Starbucks, worker anxiety is growing as the owners are laughing all the way to the bank. Labor action can reverse this trend. Thankfully, your workplace has near industry-wide unionization. Corporations want to be able to treat workers as disposable; the Great Writers Strike of 2023 can write a different script – that workers who stand together can win their rights and a more secure work life.

—Statement by RootsAction Education Fund

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  • For the last decade, RootsAction.org has done the essential daily work of helping to grow progressive movements from the grassroots. RootsAction organizes strategically in support of big reforms that our country needs – such as Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, police accountability, workers’ rights, fair taxation of giant corporations and the super-wealthy, real diplomacy and an end to forever wars. RootsAction is the kind of steadfast ally that progressives in Congress need when we're challenging entrenched power. -- Congressman Ro Khanna