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Current Action Alerts:

During the Advent season (through Orthodox Christmas) Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) and other partners are joining together to call for a suspension of arms sales to Israel and push for a comprehensive permanent ceasefire and an end to all violence. As Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank continue to suffer under the Israeli military aggression, the United States must end its active participation in the ongoing violence by halting all arms sales to Israel.

The United States government cannot play a proactive role in working to bring a durable and lasting peace to Israel/Palestine while it continues to supply weapons to Israel that are used in violation of U.S. law. International human rights organizations have documented how U.S. provided weapons have been used by Israel to kill civilians in Gaza. Before Congress ends their work for the year, it is critical your elected officials hear directly from you.

As Christians prepare for the season of Advent where we celebrate the Prince of Peace, please consider joining CMEP in our Advent not Arms campaign. Make your voices heard today by letting your members of Congress you want the U.S. government to prioritize peace and an end to violence over continuing to supply weapons that will cause further death and destruction



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Be part of a movement of peace builders. CMEP keeps track of how many individuals from a particular district or state take action. During meetings with congressional offices we share with them how many of their constituents took action.

Find your elected officials HERE. 
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Example of correctly entered address:
Street Number and Name: 123 Sesame Street
5 Digit Zip Code: 12345

Read CMEP's

Past Action Alerts

Learn more about ways CMEP has taken action in the past through our past action alerts. Follow the links to see more information, but please note that these action alerts are no longer active requests to Congress and should not be filled out.

Support Rep. Bowman and Sen. Sanders letter to White House and State Department on Rising Violence in Israel/Palestine
Since the beginning of 2023, violent conflict has significantly escalated between Israel and Palestine in the occupied West Bank. Over 85 Palestinians, including 16 children, have been killed by Israeli forces and settlers, while at least 14 Israelis, including two children have been killed. Much of this violence is attributed to an increasing series of settler attacks and raids by Israeli forces. The first quarter of the year has seen an additional 300 Palestinians injured through fires set to homes, schools and businesses in the West Bank, which continue to increase in frequency and severity. Read more.