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A Tale of Two Countries: China and U.S. Demographics
What do you know about China? This video in our China in Perspective series juxtaposes U.S. data with China data to gain a better understanding of China today. Take a look at the two biggest economies in the world in comparison to each other – do you know that the total land masses of the two countries are approximately equal but China has 4.4 times as many people? What strengths and disadvantages follow? Think about the impacts of feeding and sustaining such a large population, especially when there are so many retired people in relation to the working population. This video puts in perspective a wealthy country like the U.S. and a developing country like China to show that what happens in each respective country can impact each other and the world. This is a complementary video to the first video in our series, "If China were a Country with 100 People." Watch it here:    • China by the Numbers - If China Were ...   00:06 Population & Labor Force 00:31 Income & Personal Spending 00:51 Water Withdraws & Electricity Consumption 01:16 Smartphone Users & E-commerce 01:32 Land Mass & Food Consumption 01:11 Annual Income & Wealth Distribution 01:55 Education 02:11 What Does it Mean? For data reference, please visit 1990 Institute's reference library at #China #UnitedStates #demographic #water #consumption #e-commerce #labor #force #census #GDP #LandMass #STEM #education #water #electricity #food #consumption #smartphone #income #wealth #distribution #uschinacomparison

1990 Institute

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