FACS Coverage of Fairfax County Climate Updates


Joint Environmental Task Force

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors recently moved to accept the Joint Environmental Task Force’s report. Task Force recommendations (overview below) will be integrated into an action plan for the Board:

  • The County Board, Park Authority, Regional Housing Authority, and School Board should commit to being energy carbon neutral by 2040. (Read about FACS’ Fairfax to Zero Priorities.)

  • Fairfax County government and schools should aspire to be at zero waste by 2030 and provide resources for students and adult learners to pursue green career paths.

  • The Connector bus fleet to transition to electric or other non-carbon emitting alternatives by 2030; the public school fleet should transition by 2035. All non-bus fleet vehicles that have electric alternatives should transition by 2025.


Solar Panels on County Property

Fairfax County moves closer to their Net Zero Energy Standard after the Board approved installation, operation, and maintenance of solar panels on eight county properties. This is the first step in getting all 113 County properties operating with solar. Chairman McKay explained in his October 20 newsletter that there is no up front cost for the county on installation because the county property will be leased to Sigora Solar. We reported in our March 2019 newsletter that the county presented plans for its Request for Proposal for a Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), and we’re excited to report this latest progress.


Community-wide Energy and Climate Action Plan Updates

Fairfax County has changed the format of its Community-wide Energy and Climate Action Plan (CECAP) planning model as a result of COVID-19 impacts. Instead of an in-person Task Force and Focus Group, a virtual CECAP Working Group will operate with sector-specific subgroups. The ultimate goal is to make the planning process more efficient and effective.


Environmental Committee Meeting

The Board held an Environmental Committee Meeting on October 27. The Board discussed Fairfax Green Initiatives, the Energy Service Company Pilot Program, an updated Yard Waste Bag Policy, and Salt Application on Impervious Services.