5G Push Back Works!

Notices & Affidavits:  PUSH BACK WORKS!
The Tucson 5G Poll is Still Nonfunctional!

Link to Notice # 1: https://inhere.salsalabs.org/Tucson5GNotice
Link for this Notice # 2: https://inhere.salsalabs.org/Stop5GLetter2

UPDATE:  The 5G Poll installed just 20 feet from Dr. Rima’s home in Tucson has still not been turned-on! 

Although the City and Company pushed hard to install the poll, it is currently inactive. Why? We suspect it has been the hundreds of Notices being received by them from all across North America and beyond.  With your help we’ll continue to tell the agents that they are personally responsible for the harm the enable.  Perhaps they will continue to pause and think…  Because of YOUR Push Back! Keep at it! Share!

Share with this link:  http://www.opensourcetruth.com/5g-push-back-works/

Big Telecom is enthusiastically — and deceptively — hawking 5G as a consumer service which allows faster speed in internet and phone communications. In fact, that is not even remotely true.

In addition to being highly dangerous, these radio frequency emissions have horrifying, and horrifyingly well documented impact on privacy, health and the environment.

5G Pulsed Microwave Technology is being sited and operated illegally all over the US and the rest of the world. Since a great many laws are violated by each tower, and by the existence of 5G grids in general, it is up to us, to We, the People, to use lawful means to stop it.

I invite you to join me in using the Notices and Affidavit tools to hold each of the illegally-acting parties personally responsible.

Each Notice must be signed with your “autograph”. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the lengthy text and sign your name with your mouse. We will make sure the recipients get your letters. If the public agents fail to heed our petition for redress, we will take further lawful steps, including notarized affidavits, admissible as proof of guilt in a court of law, unless they cease and desist as directed.

More about this process, including podcast and article links, here:  http://www.opensourcetruth.com/kill-5-g-before-it-kills-more-of-us/

If required, we’ll do the same for the other Notices and then, when we are ready for the affidavit, if needed, we will send you detailed instructions on how to notarize it easily on line.

Once again, we will take it from there.

Fill out Notice No. 1 no matter where you live. You can take action against every 5G tower no matter where you live.

Next, when you are threatened by 5G, send us the information we need and we will ask our entire data base to take the same actions to stop the 5G Pulsed Microwave system in YOUR town and State.

You see we can all help each other to halt this diabolical technology.

This is the link to Notice # 1: https://inhere.salsalabs.org/Tucson5GNotice

Share this link for this Notice # 2: https://inhere.salsalabs.org/Stop5GLetter2

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

4 thoughts on “5G Push Back Works!

    1. Many are becoming convinced that the frequencies combine with the “clot shot” to increase the damage geometrically. I’m one. Please prove me wrong.

      1. I agree with you. I haven’t taken any shots but I agree the 5 G weapon has something to do with those shots and those frequencies. The coercion, bribery and Now WHO wants to force those jabs onto everyone through creating a global constitution for all whenever they call a pandemic which are manmade or fake.
        We need to Stop these psychopaths. Demonic possessed billionaires.

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