National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses Executive Council

December 6, 2022

An historic event occurred this past week in Bozeman, Montana at the 19th Annual NASC Sportsman-Legislator Summit where Maryland State Senator Jack Bailey, Co-Chair of the bi-partisan Maryland Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus (MLSC) within the Maryland General Assembly, was elected by fellow lawmakers from across America to serve on the prestigious Executive Council of the National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses (NASC). Those attending lawmakers hailed from 26 different states.

The NASC Executive Council helps develop national pro-sportsmen’s policies for consideration by individual states and articulated by the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation. And, Maryland has adopted numerous NASC policies over the last 20 years.

The vote to elect Senator Bailey to replace Maryland State Delegate Wendell Beitzel on the NASC Executive Council, Co-Vice Chair of the Caucus who stepped down from public service this year (and to whom all Maryland sportsmen/women owe a great debt of gratitude for his many years of service to the Caucus), represented another crowning achievement for Maryland, known nationally for its pro-sportsmen’s policy achievements realized during its 20-year history of being the last line of defense for pro-sportsmen’s/women policies in the Halls of Annapolis. Equally noteworthy is the fact that Senator Bailey made his inaugural appearance at this 19th Annual NASC event and convinced attending fellow lawmakers – the race for this seat was very competitive – he was the best choice for this prestigious seat. Truly, a celebratory achievement and a testament to the conviction of this good man who stands for our conservation ideals.

With a new General Assembly in 2023, many in the sportsmen’s/women community are hopeful these incoming lawmakers will continue to be supportive of the legacy, and tradition of hunting in the State of Maryland…indeed the critical role played by the HUNTERS OF MARYLAND, LLC. Notably, the HUNTERS OF MARYLAND, LLC, will remain the “eyes and ears” of the bi-partisan Maryland Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus which has achieved a record of policy-related accomplishment worthy of emulation by other states…just ask the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation.