Supreme Court to Hear Austin v. Reagan | Scenic America
Supreme Court to Hear Austin v. Reagan

On November 10, 2021, at 10 am EST, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a case with critical implications for the Highway Beautification Act. City of Austin v. Reagan Advertising considers whether regulation of billboards (“off-premise” signs) violates the First Amendment rights of advertising companies. The final ruling is expected in early 2022.

The docket is posted here.

How to Follow the Case

Oral arguments are currently closed to the public, but you can listen to them live on the Supreme Court’s website here.

If you miss the live session, audio recordings of each case are posted on the Court’s website on the day of the hearing here.

Learn More About the Case

Scenic America created a summary of facts and basic information about this significant case, which can be viewed here.

Scenic America and its chapters and affiliates have joined an Amici Curiae brief in support of Austin’s position. This brief argues that billboards are a uniquely annoying type of land use that can be banned to protect property rights. For the first time, major real estate developers and chambers of commerce have also signed on to this brief, speaking directly and authoritatively on this issue. Key players in the outdoor advertising industry, including Outfront Media and the International Sign Association, have also filed amici briefs favoring Austin’s position. A summary of the brief can be viewed here.

For the latest news and updates on the case, sign up for our newsletter or follow us on social media.

Learn more about past Supreme Court cases that have helped to shape billboard law here.

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