Anishnawbe Health Foundation

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Shiv Bansal

Shiv Bansal Real Estate Team Marked the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation by Issuing a $25,000 Matching Donation Challenge for Anishnawbe Health

On September 30th, the second National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Shiv Bansal and his real estate team, matched donations to Anishnawbe Health Foundation, dollar for dollar, up to $25,000. The funds support the work of Anishnawbe Health Toronto to reclaim, preserve and support access to Indigenous Traditional Healing practices.

Shiv Bansal and his team have a strong history of charitable work in the community including raising funds for the Ajax Pickering Hospital and The Alzheimer Society.

“Until about ten years ago, I was not aware of the shameful treatment of Indigenous peoples in Canada and the legacy of Residential Schools – my son was the one who first told me about this history. And then, a few years ago, I came to know about Anishnawbe Health, and the great work they do, through sponsoring the Toronto Netralya Lions Club gala in support of building a new home for Anishnawbe Health. My family and our real estate team wants to do our part in helping to support a path towards reconciliation. Helping Anishnawbe Health Foundation to increase donations was one way we wanted to mark the day,” says Shiv.

The matching challenge was a great success and saw the Foundation have its best-ever online fundraising day. Shiv Bansal came to visit Anishnawbe Health and presented the $25,000 matching funds for the campaign to Foundation President Andre Morriseau.

“We’re honoured that Shiv and his team issued this matching gift challenge to health and healing services that support survivors of the Residential School system and their descendants on this day. Thank you to all of our supporters and the new donors that came together and helped us exceed this challenge from Shiv,” remarked Julie Cookson, Executive Director, Anishnawbe Health Foundation.