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U. Michigan to Award Profs $100K for Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

U. Michigan to Award Profs $100K for Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

“the newly founded Diversity and Social Transformation Professorships”

These are large cash awards which have nothing to do with scholarship. The professors are being recognized for their devotion to a progressive talking point.

Campus Reform reports:

UMich to award $1.5M to profs with ‘commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion’

A program meant to “recognize and reward faculty for outstanding contributions to diversity, equity and inclusion” was established Thursday at the University of Michigan to the tune of $100,000 for each individual professor recognized.

Certain professors displaying a commitment to these values will be eligible to receive the honor of the newly founded Diversity and Social Transformation Professorships, according to a UMich news release.

In his letter recommending the new program to the board of regents, UMich Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Martin Philbert noted that the university plans to designate five of these professors annually.

Each professor selected will receive an annual stipend of $20,000 for each of his or her first five years holding the title. The stipend is meant to fund the professors’ professional and scholarly labor, but those selected will apparently not be expected to take on any additional research or tasks other than to “continue their important work and forge new interdisciplinary collaborations in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion,” according to Philbert.

If the university meets its goal of designating five professors for this title each year, each class of appointees will receive a whopping $500,000 over their five year payment period, a number that scales up quickly to a total of $1.5 million after just five years of the program’s existence. Each consecutive year will cost an additional $500,000. The proposed plan makes no mention of any sort of expiration date for the program.


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Anacleto Mitraglia | July 25, 2019 at 7:17 am

Social transformation?
Enough, please.

The Friendly Grizzly | July 26, 2019 at 7:39 am

Say the right things, get a reward.

That’s no different from…

“Speak, Rex/Professor! Speak!”

“Rrwrff”/“Judge people by merit.”

“No! SPEAK!”

“WOOF!”/“Straight white bad, minorities and transgender good!”

Hands dog / professor) a Milk-Bone /check for a hundred large.