This year, 2022, the  theme for the Season of Creation is “Listen to the Voice of Creation.”  This booklet introduces the Season of Creation and offers resources for celebrating each of the Sundays of the season from September 1st, the World Day for Prayer for Creation, through October 4th, the feast of St. Francis. It offers penitential rite suggestions, prayers for the liturgy, scriptural reflections and more.

As flash floods, heat waves, fires, storms, famine and more become more frequent and severe, the need for global action to reverse climate change is obvious, urgent, massive, and desperate.  May these resources help you celebrate the Season of Creation with the seriousness and prayerfulness it needs and deserves.  May they help you grow in gratitude for the gifts of creation and awe before our Creator God.  May they inspire you to take full active part in the active response of the Catholic community around the planet as it joins its ecumenical and interfaith partners.  The resource is available in English just below.



It is available here in Spanish here.