Multiple environmental organizations, including FACS, advocated for the Prince William County (PWC) Board of Supervisors to include the creation of an Office of Sustainability into the FY22 budget! On Tuesday, April 27, the Board passed the FY22 budget and allocated funds towards:


  • A Climate Action Plan
  • The Creation of an Office of Energy and Sustainability
  • A Sustainability Commission


We applaud the PWC Supervisors for taking the steps needed to ensure that PWC has a green and sustainable future! With the creation of this new office, we will be advocating for a diverse and just hiring process that emphasizes candidates who have experience with disadvantaged communities. As we roll out our PWC to Zero goals as part of our Zeroes are Heroes campaign, we hope to work closely with other environmental organizations as well as the newly founded Office of Energy and Sustainability to meet our goal of Prince William County going net zero by 2050.


Stay tuned for future updates on PWC going green!