Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Pennsylvania Charitable Nonprofit Caucus | About

The Pennsylvania Charitable Nonprofit Caucus

The Pennsylvania Charitable Nonprofit Caucus is a bicameral, bipartisan group of legislators dedicated to ensuring that the commonwealth’s nonprofit organizations – as key drivers of jobs, economic growth, charitable work and civic engagement – have the support they need to continue growing and thriving throughout the state.

Our Mission


  • To support Pennsylvania’s thousands of charitable nonprofit organizations through legislation and other efforts that address these organizations’ needs and encourage their growth. 

  • To educate other members of the General Assembly and the public about Pennsylvania’s nonprofit organizations; the vital work they do; and the essential role they play in boosting the economy, creating jobs, helping residents, and strengthening our communities. 

  • To work with members of Pennsylvania’s charitable nonprofit organizations and other stakeholders to ensure that proposed legislation and other efforts best reflect the needs and interests of these organizations. 

  • To collaborate in bipartisan fashion to develop and implement strategies that support the caucus’ mission.

Informational Links


Additional information and requirements governing Pennsylvania nonprofit organizations is available here:


Pennsylvania Department of State -- Nonprofit Corporations

Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO)