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U. Michigan Social Justice Class Described as ‘Straightforward Political Indoctrination’

U. Michigan Social Justice Class Described as ‘Straightforward Political Indoctrination’

“The course is intended to impress on University of Michigan students the worldview and the values of progressives and to blot out, as far as possible, the legitimacy of any alternative views.”

The University of Michigan offers a course called Social Justice, Identity, Diversity and Community, which wants to “examine the possibilities for building community across race, gender, class, sexual orientation, and religion as students explore their own racial and other social group identities.”

Students can take this course to fufill “a required seminar series.” However, the course has raised some eyebrows as some has seen it as an activist course. From Campus Reform:

The course itself is not required but is one of the options in the required seminar series, according to Assistant Vice President for Public Affairs Rick Fitzgerald. When contacted by Campus Reform regarding what prompted the course, Fitzgerald said that one of the principles of the course, as seen in the description, is “how do we have constructive conversations and dialogue about our different perspectives, beliefs, experiences and backgrounds?”

The description also states a number of questions that the course will address, including “how do we develop the practice of civic engagement along with the skills of boundary-crossing to build vibrant communities and a strong democracy in our schools, neighborhoods, cities, and governments?” and “to what extent do the American ideals and its democratic principles continue to provide a bond for our society in the face of growing social divisions and inequalities?”

“Students from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to enroll in this seminar, bringing personal experience and perspective to enrich the discussion of theoretical readings,” the course description reads.

The University of Michigan College Republicans and College Democrats did not respond to requests for comment in time for publication.

But Peter Wood, President of the National Association of Scholars, says the course is not unique.

“Social Justice, Identity, Diversity and Community is just like hundreds of other such courses for first-year students at colleges and universities across the country. It is straightforward political indoctrination for left-wing activism,” Wood told Campus Reform. “The course is intended to impress on University of Michigan students the worldview and the values of progressives and to blot out, as far as possible, the legitimacy of any alternative views.”

[Featured image via YouTube]


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I’m shocked, SHOCKED to find there’s indoctrination going on in here.

Wood is correct–it is one of scores, if no hundreds of similar courses across the country.
America’s universities have become the leading agents of hate America propaganda. One solution is to end their tax free status–people like you are me are thus indirectly subsidizing
these scum.