UU Letter to Biden Officials: Restore Asylum and End the Misuse of Title 42
*Update 6/30/22*: The government’s rescission of Migrant Protection Protocols did not violate Section 1225 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and the then-Secretary of Homeland Security’s Oct. 29 memoranda constituted valid final agency action.

March: Two recent preliminary court rulings do not change the fact that the administration still needs to restore asylum and end the Title 42 policy. Title 42 remains in effect, and access to asylum has still not been restored at the U.S. border. The two court decisions may impact the future of the policy, but neither ends the policy or takes effect immediately, and it remains unclear how the administration will respond to the rulings. Read more at:

As people of faith and conscience inspired by UU values, we are calling on the Biden administration to fully restore access to asylum at the border and end the misuse of Title 42 authority to block and expel asylum-seekers. Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice (UUSJ) and the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) invite you to join us by adding your name to our joint letter to the Biden/Harris administration, calling for an immediate end to anti-asylum restrictions and the restoration of asylum processing in accordance with our country's moral and legal obligations.

Individuals, congregations, and organizations are welcome to sign.

Original co-signers: UU Refugee and Immigrant Services and Education (UURISE), UU Association (UUA), Texas UU Justice Ministry (TXUUJM), UU Justice Florida (UUJF), UU Ministry for Earth (UUMFE), UU Mass Action Network (UUMAN), UU Justice Ministry of North Carolina, (UUJMNC), and Minnesota UU Social Justice Alliance (MUUSJA).

The full text of the letter can be found here:

Please contact Josh Leach at jleach@uusc.org if you have specific questions or comments.

P.S. This letter is just the first step in our joint campaign to restore asylum – keep an eye out for more educational and action resources coming soon, and especially invitations to join related advocacy.

Mini MEDIA KIT: UU Sign-On Letter to Biden: Restore Asylum and End Misuse of Title 42: https://bit.ly/RestoreAsylumMediaKit

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