Companies built differently.

SpringForward incubates social enterprises using our EVERY Employee™ approach to create high-quality jobs and build community wealth so that all workers can thrive.

SpringForward is on a mission to redefine the job market for people encountering multiple barriers to employment.

EVERY Employee™ is a replicable, employment and business structure that provides more than just a steady job; workers earn a fair wage with benefits, participate in decision-making, have a voice in governance, and eventually, an ownership stake in the business operation.

EVERY Employee™ guiding principles are: Economic Security; Employee Well-Being; Participatory Culture; and a Human-Centered Work Environment. By putting workers' abilities and needs at the center of the company, EVERY Employee™ fosters a sense of belonging and self-worth among employees that comes from doing meaningful work at a place where they are valued and respected.

EVERY Employee™ includes personalized levels of training and flexibility, customized workspaces and break areas, and on-site mental health specialists. Workers receive training in communication, self-advocacy, participatory decision-making, and business finance.

By providing the right support for each individual to be successful, the entire team benefits.

Workers experience:

  • High-quality jobs with fair compensation

  • Greater job satisfaction and sense of belonging

  • Meaningful participation in the business operation

  • Increased worker assets and community wealth

The EVERY Employee™ framework can be applied in other industries and communities. SpringForward will share what we learn as we build our employment social enterprises, so others can replicate our success in helping those encountering barriers to employment overcome economic and social inequities.