Big Tech Assault on Free Speech Hits Cornwall Scholar

Those of you who follow the news or stay up to date on our blogs know about the legal battle between journalist John Stossel and Facebook over “fact-checking” systems that flagged Stossel’s climate change content as “false and misleading.”

When Stossel took Facebook to court, Facebook argued that its fact checks are mere statements of opinion. 

The latest installment in this battle between tech censorship and free speech unfolds in our own backyard. 

Dr. Roy Spencer, Cornwall Alliance board member and Senior Fellow, Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama Huntsville, and former Senior Scientist for Climate Studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, has had his website demonetized by Google for making “unreliable and harmful claims.”

Ostensibly, these “unreliable and harmful claims” are his reports detailing the most trustworthy and comprehensive dataset of global temperatures ever compiled.

Spencer received cryptic warnings from Google about “policy violations,” but they failed to cite the guilty pages or explain which rules had been violated until after they had demonetized his site. 

Spencer writes,

 “I was kind of hoping my content was mainstream enough to avoid being banned since:

1. I believe the climate system has warmed

2. I believe most of this warming is probably due to greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel burning

“Many of you know that I defend much of mainstream climate science, including climate modeling as an enterprise. Where I depart of the ‘mainstream’ is how much warming has occurred, how much future warming can be expected, and what should be done about it from an energy policy perspective."

Despite his impressive list of scientific accomplishments and centrist views on climate, Spencer seems to have failed Google’s censorship scan. 

Amid the recent wave of cancellations and the increasing power of tech giants to squash free speech, our work at the Cornwall Alliance is more important than ever. Despite mounting obstacles, we spread the truth about climate change, advocate for the earth’s poor, and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ every day. 

If you have benefited from our work or believe in the centrality of our mission, please prayerfully consider a donation to support our work in these contentious times. 

Because, in the words of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,One man who stopped lying could bring down a tyranny.”


Is the War on Fossil Fuels Part of China's War on the West?

No weapon is more potent at crippling Western economies than the “net zero” agenda—to bring greenhouse gas emissions down and greenhouse gas sequestration up until, between them, we add no more to the atmosphere. The alleged justification is to prevent catastrophic global warming. But something more sinister is involved, and the trail leads to the Chinese Communist Party.

China’s insistence at the Glasgow climate summit (COP-26) on language that endorsed its own continued fossil fuel use while urging curtailment by other countries has its roots in two urgent needs. First, without coal, oil, and gas, China’s economy would decline, discrediting the legitimacy of communist rule. Second, and just as important, without fossil fuels Chinese president Xi Jinping would be unable to reach his overarching goal—to make China the world’s supreme power by the year 2049, the centennial of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

China uses the climate agenda both as a way to strengthen its economy by continuing and growing its use of fossil fuels and as a weapon for weakening other countries by reducing theirs. It now monopolizes the global wind and solar industries, although its own renewable energy infrastructure, like renewable energy infrastructures everywhere, is unreliable (requiring thermal generation backup mostly from fossil fuels), costly, and subject to high rates of curtailment. But its domestic renewables sites serve as effective demonstration projects for tours by Western environmentalists, who then lobby their governments to buy these expensive and unreliable forms of energy. When they do, they give China two wins for the West’s two losses. On the same model of profiting from the sale to the West of crippling technologies, China hopes to dominate the electric vehicle market—and its domination of mining and refining cobalt and other minerals needed for batteries makes that result inevitable if the rest of the world takes the bait.

By pursuing unilateral climate policies—committing to reduce their own carbon dioxide emissions while China goes merrily along increasing its own—Western countries are hobbling their economies through rising energy costs, power blackouts, and other supply shortages as surely as wartime saboteurs might, only the damage is self-inflicted and systemwide.

No weapon is more potent at crippling Western economies than the net-zero agenda. China’s army here includes Western environmental NGOs and media, who together give naïve politicians their marching orders.

For the Communist regime to survive, and that is surely the CCP’s top priority, fossil fuels for economic growth must be secure, explaining why all the state’s resources are rallied to the task. The pursuit of CO2 reductions within China would serve neither the goal of preserving Communist rule nor becoming the world’s foremost superpower by 2049. To China’s leadership, it is a no-brainer. As far as the CCP is concerned, carbon dioxide reductions only make sense for those it wishes to harm and supplant.

Patricia Adams unveils all this and more in her outstanding briefing paper China’s Energy Dream, just published by our friends at the Global Warming Policy Foundation. With GWPF’s permission, we’re delighted to make China’s Energy Dream available to you in a high-quality printed edition that you can read at your leisure and conveniently share with friends.

Through the month of January, as our way of saying “Thank you!” for a 100% tax-deductible donation of literally ANY size, we’ll gladly send you a FREE copy of China’s Energy Dream while our supply lasts. To request your copy, simply write "Promo 22-01"  when you make your donation through our secure online giving page, by mailing your check to Cornwall Alliance, 875 W. Poplar Ave, Suite 23-284, Collierville, Tennessee 38017, or by calling us at 423-500-3009 by midnight on January 31st. In any case, mention “Promo 22-01" or China’s Energy Dream

 When giving online you can write in the comments box on the second page of our donation form.

Please note we do ask international donors to pay for shipping of the free gift. Offer valid only while supplies last.  

God Bless You!

Dr. E. Calvin Beisner

Founder and National Spokesman

P.S. It is so very helpful to us if you will let your friends know about our website and social media pages. Help us spread the message that the world is not heading towards environmental destruction.


Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation
875 W. Poplar Ave, Suite 23-284  | Collierville, Tennessee 38017

423-500-3009 |

The Cornwall Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, all donations are 100% tax-deductible.

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