Our appeal regarding the gas station project was overwhelmingly supported by the planning commission. Thanks to all in the community who showed up!

The next meeting is at the Civic Center :
Board of Supervisors Hearing
July 30th, 10 am

 Please continue to support our efforts by
donating to the campaign!

  Link to watch the April 4th Hearing.
View the
presentation to the Planning Commission.

Link to Project Plan
Link to the Appeal
Link to Dewey Livingston’s Historic Evaluation

What We Do

The Point Reyes Village Association (PRSVA) provides a forum for community members to raise, organize, and take action on matters that concern the present and future life of Point Reyes Station.

The Village Association also offers a quasi-local governance mechanism to guide future planning decisions in Point Reyes Station under the Point Reyes Station Community Plan, including reviewing use permits in the Point Reyes Station Planning Area submitted to the County of Marin Community Development Agency, Planning Division.

The Community Plan was created in 1976 by the County of Marin and locals and is the primary document used by the town to evaluate proposed changes to its historical character and community life. Whenever a project is proposed in an area, the Marin County government provides us with copies of the plans so that they can review and respond. The Point Reyes Station Village Association has advised Marin County and the California Coastal Commission since 1974.

We are in partnership with Dark Sky West Marin, a community-led initiative dedicated to preserving the night sky in this environmentally rich and uniquely biodiverse region and formed by West Marin citizens, County Supervisor Dennis Rodoni, in collaboration with the Point Reyes National Seashore.

Monthly Meetings

Hybrid meetings occur the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Dance Palace Community Center (Church Space), 503 B St, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956, and online via Zoom. All are welcome.

Image courtesy of the Marin County Free Library.


We care about the future of Point Reyes Station.

Everybody loves Point Reyes Station, called the "West Coast Martha's Vineyard – only better" by the New York Times, "Top Adventure Town" by National Geographic, "Motion-Picture-Perfect" by Travel and Leisure, and one of the "10 Best Small Towns in America" by Men's Journal.  

But for any well-loved small town attractive for its authenticity and rural heritage, nurturing change while preserving its culture requires care and diligence. Stewardship is the purpose of the Point Reyes Station Village Association.

What's Worth Preserving?

Images courtesy of Art Rogers.