League of Women Voters US
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League of Women Voters US
Washington, DC, 20036

The League is proud to be nonpartisan, neither supporting nor opposing candidates or political parties at any level of government, but always working on vital issues of concern to members and the public. Join us while we defend voters and protect democracy!
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Actions you can take ...
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    League of Women Voters US
    It's Time To Protect The Freedom To Vote 📢
    After the Supreme Court decision in Alexander v. South Carolina NAACP to undermine the voices of voters of color and uphold the legacy and impact of white supremacy in states like South Carolina. We must continue to organize and fight for stronger voting rights! 
    The fight for democracy is clearer than ever. We need Congress to pass federal voting protections to stop these attacks on our voting rights. Take two minutes and contact your congressional representative! 
    It's Time To Protect The Freedom To Vote 📢 action
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    League of Women Voters US
    Become a Poll Worker Today
    By signing up to be a poll worker, you can ensure that all voters—including voters with disabilities, voters who need language assistance, and voters who want to cast their ballot in person—have a positive experience at the polls.
    Sign up today!
    Become a Poll Worker Today action
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    League of Women Voters US
    The Time is Now ✊🏼✊🏾✊🏿
    It's no secret, when we cast our votes for president, we aren’t voting for the president but for electors from each party who select the president on behalf of the voters.
    LWV is committed to abolishing the Electoral College. Learn more about how you can help make this change. 
    The Time is Now ✊🏼✊🏾✊🏿 action
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    League of Women Voters US
    Become An ERA Champion
    Despite the significant advances made in recent decades, women and others continue to face discrimination based on sex. The Equal Rights Amendment will protect the equality of rights under the law regardless of sex in the United States.  
    We know it will take all of us to champion and fight for the ERA. Join our ERA champions group and the movement to fight for the ERA ratification. Sign up today! 
    Become An ERA Champion  action
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    League of Women Voters US
    We Won't Stop Fighting for Equality
    We’re honoring Women's History Month by fighting for equality. The ERA has met all the requirements needed to ratify the amendment. Yet today, the ERA is STILL not included in the US Constitution.  
    Take one minute to contact your elected officials to tell them that equality belongs in the Constitution! 
    We Won't Stop Fighting for Equality action
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    League of Women Voters US
    The Fight Continues ✊🏾✊🏼✊🏻
    More than 50 years after the Voting Rights Act was passed, full protections for voting rights are still not guaranteed for all voters.
    Sign LWV's petition urging Congress to take action and ensure that every citizen can be heard at the ballot box!
    The Fight Continues ✊🏾✊🏼✊🏻 action
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    League of Women Voters US
    Stay up to date on actions in DC!
    We know that with the continued efforts to expand and protect our freedom to vote, there are continuous and ongoing actions--many of which are happening right in DC.
    If you live in DC, Maryland, or Virginia, the best way to stay up to date on actions near you is by joining our DMV action group!
    Stay up to date on actions in DC! action
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    League of Women Voters US
    Add To Our Digital Quote Wall 📝
    To celebrate 104 years of empowering voters and defending democracy in our communities, let's share why it's essential for everyone, especially young voters, to vote in the upcoming 2024 elections. 
    Take 2 minutes to share your reasons to add to our LWV digital quote wall! 
    Add To Our Digital Quote Wall 📝 action
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    League of Women Voters US
    We Want to Hear From You!
    Your voice and your vote are the power to determine our future. Our mission at the League of Women Voters is to empower voters and defend democracy. 
    Join us in the fight by sharing what issues matter to you and why you are a voter! 
    We Want to Hear From You! action
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    League of Women Voters US
    Does voting local matter?
    Have you ever wondered what is being decided at the local level, or have you heard that voting for local elected officials matters? 
    Us too! Check out our explanation series to learn how these local offices impact our communities and daily life. 
    Does voting local matter?  action
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