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Elizabeth Warren Drops Out of Presidential Race, Won’t Endorse Anyone Yet

Elizabeth Warren Drops Out of Presidential Race, Won’t Endorse Anyone Yet

She told reporters she needs “some space around this” and “take a little time to think a little more” before she makes an endorsement.

After a miserable Super Tuesday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren officially dropped out of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary.

*This is breaking news. Will update as needed.

From Fox News:

“I will not be running for president in 2020, but I guarantee I will stay in the fight for hardworking folks across this country who’ve gotten the short end of the stick over and over,” she vowed moments earlier. Appearing to choke up, she also spoke to how the presidential field is now male-dominated — with the exception of Rep. Tulsi Gabbard — and the prospects for a history-making first female president are essentially gone.

“One of the hardest parts of this is all those pinky promises and all those little girls who are gonna have to wait four more years,” Warren said, her voice cracking, referring to promises she often makes with young girls on the campaign trail about women running for president. “That’s gonna be hard. … I take those pinky promises seriously.”

Warren also addressed “sexism” in the race and promised she’d have “more to say” later.

“I want all of you to hear it first, and I want you to hear it straight from me: today, I’m suspending our campaign for president,” Warren told staffers on the call. “What we have done – and the ideas we have launched into the world, the way we have fought this fight, the relationships we have built – will carry through, carry through for the rest of this election, and the one after that, and the one after that.”

Warren did not make an endorsement. She told reporters she needs “some space around this” and “take a little time to think a little more.”

Previous Reporting

Sources close to her campaign relayed the news to The New York Times and NBC News.

Warren came in third in her state of Massachusetts on Tuesday.

Warren has remained silent since Tuesday. Her campaign did not send out any fundraising emails. She went quiet on social media.

Now Warren has to decide on an endorsement. One person with her campaign said that she’s “contemplating not endorsing in the 2020 race.”



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Is it just me, or does Lieawatha look a little crazed in that photo?

If she endorses Biden all bets are off.

Will her support go to …

Mike-in-Mass | March 5, 2020 at 10:57 am

Let me be the first to say:


Can’t believe so many people believed her when she said during her senate re-election campaign that she was focused on the Commonwealth of Mass and not the Presidency.

9thDistrictNeighbor | March 5, 2020 at 11:02 am

Fireworks? Happy dinosaur? Update ?

They kept her in long enough to drain some votes off Bernie on Super Tuesday/Thursday.

Her campaign ends,

but not the lying.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to pfg. | March 5, 2020 at 1:25 pm

    Ace of Spades had a great headline on that.

    “The End of the Trail of Tears: Warren Drops Out;
    Will Continue Her Fight To Tell Ludicrous Lies About Her Personal History as a Private Citizen

    Elizabeth Warren’s departure from the race leaves the Democrat field exactly as diverse as when she was in it.”

In other news, has been down for hours. This is the backup site for Reddit’s locked-down The_Donald, which is essentially closed due to censorship, since Reddit got an “investment” from China.

DDOS attacks and troll attacks in time for the 6 am est surge in viewership are common, but this one is lasting longer than most.

    Toad-O in reply to Valerie. | March 5, 2020 at 11:23 am

    “Web server is shut down”.

      Valerie in reply to Toad-O. | March 5, 2020 at 3:35 pm

      It’s finally back up. Their primary host terminated on them.

      Would that be Cloudflare?

      The only thing offensive about .win is the leftist trolls, who are indeed nasty. They like to post racist and sexist garbage, along with some really ugly porn, as well as physical threats.

      These are not 14 year old boys who confuse free speech with words for bodily functions.

Tomahawk Chop !!

Let me guess. Something about sexism.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Pasadena Phil. | March 5, 2020 at 1:27 pm


    Not about Racism?????

    Isn’t it Amazing that Warren screechs Sexism non-stop,
    but never once brings up Racism – as far as I know……..

10 days until the next dem debate, just imagine watching Bernie and Biden yelling at each other for 2 hours. I have a feeling that Tulsi will not be allowed on stage for some reason.


That one black outfit she always wears has to be a bit gamey by now

I wonder how many of Warren’s Whackos will join Bernie’s Boys?

Biden finally sent her a box of chocolates without having eaten all the good ones himself.

Massinsanity | March 5, 2020 at 12:29 pm

I for one would like to thank Professor Jacobson for his tireless efforts in exposing this fraud. We weren’t able to prevent her from beating the somewhat hapless Scott Brown but knowing she will never, ever be president is a huge relief.

It will be interesting to see if she chooses to remain in the Senate, a position she has shown little interest in since she was first elected.

    Massinsanity in reply to Massinsanity. | March 5, 2020 at 12:30 pm

    One more thing, she likely won’t endorse until is becomes clear who the D nominee will be as she did in 2016.

    She either hates Bernie, really doesn’t believe any of her own “progressive” rhetoric or both.

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Massinsanity. | March 5, 2020 at 1:29 pm

      Barrack enabled Warren to do lots of bad things in the Senate.

      Now…..not so much………

will she speak or send smoke signals

As a good Indian, she forgot to get some revenge and pass out small pox laced blankets to the old white men candidates. How much wampum will she get from Bloomberg for withdrawing?

She just came out. Didn’t endorse anyone yet. Still waiting on the biggest wampum offer.

    CaliforniaJimbo in reply to garybritt. | March 5, 2020 at 2:40 pm

    I think she’s hoping for a VP slot with Bernie. Quid pro joe won’t offer her one, (I imagine Stacy Abrams has Joe’s dance card filled).

      I’d say Stacy Abrams is or should be second or third tier candidates for Joe’s VP slot.

      I think the first tier candidates for Biden’s VP slot are (in no particular order):

      1. Michelle Obama
      2. Hillary Clinton
      3. Kamala Harris

      Second and third tier:

      1. Stacy Abrams
      2. Elizabeth Warren
      3. ??

      I think Elizabeth Warren is waiting because in her mind she wants to try and reserve her support for the Biden or Sanders till she is sure which one will get the nomination. Then she will support the one she believes is going to win and angle for VP slot with that one.

2smartforlibs | March 5, 2020 at 12:45 pm

So your first beer, lame dancing, and selfies are not a winning strategy? Who would have guessed

I’m Joe Biden … and I forgot this message

IneedAhaircut | March 5, 2020 at 12:50 pm

I’m a bit surprised. Biden has really struggled to stay coherent on the campaign trail. If he has a bad run of it, his campaign might falter, and then Bernie is the only alternative. Staying in through the next debate would make sense, but maybe Democrat Star Chamber has told her to get out.

“Elizabeth Warren Drops Out of Presidential Race, and endorses (drumroll and fanfare)



All in all, it can safely be said that Prof. William Jacobson single-handedly tomahawked the fake Indian.


The real dem presidential candidate will be the VP. Joe Biden is a placeholder.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | March 5, 2020 at 2:50 pm

Is Pelosi talking about Lizzie? Must be.

Part Of The Reason We Won’t Have A Woman President In 2020 Is Because Our Voters Are Misogynist – Pelosi

I take those pinky promises seriously.

Well, sure. Who wants to be known as an Indian giver?

“take a little time to think a little more”

Maybe she should think about giving that college girl her $3 back.

Biden if he, god forbid, were ever able to become President could easily become the first President ever removed from office under the 25th amendment due to his mental incompetence. The democrat projection of 25th amendment against Trump coming back like Karma onto them. The likelihood of Biden being removed from office would be the only reason Hillary might accept to be his VP.

The Friendly Grizzly | March 5, 2020 at 4:33 pm

So. It’s all down to the straight white guys.

ScottTheEngineer | March 5, 2020 at 5:24 pm

Elizabeth Warren lost her home state.. Just like a real Native American.

Too funny to not post.

The Senate is in session, why wasn’t she in DC doing her job?

Now, smack her with a celebratory paper bag full of feces.

Then hit schumer with one. Then pelosi. Then obama. Then romney. Then kerry. Then clinton.

If we hit biden with one, he’ll start fingerpainting.

Where does the bidding start?