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The Earth Bill

A 2030 Moonshot for Earth

100% by 2030

  1. Renewable Energy
  2. Zero-Emission Vehicles
  3. Regenerative Agriculture
Enforcement tied to Ordinary Business Deductions.

These solutions can save our planet.
Help get them passed by Congress immediately.

The Earth Bill, officially called The Earth Act to Stop Climate Pollution by 2030, was introduced in the 118th Congress by Representative Espaillat (NY-13), with original cosponsors Rep. Velazquez (NY-07), Rep. Lee (CA-12), Rep. Nadler (NY-12), & Rep. Grijalva (AZ-07). It is a visionary, science-based law to mandate an end to climate pollution at the source - at the industry level - on the timeline required to save ourselves and the future.

By simply fixing how our electricity, cars and food are made - we can reduce 40% more of our pollution - on top of 25% in motion - for a total of 65% by 2030! This would meet and exceed the USA Paris Committments.

The Earth Bill works by requiring utility companies and publicly-traded agriculture corporations to change to clean and healthy inputs in making our electricity (with solar, wind, geothermal, tidal, and wave) and food (with farming practices like no-till, cover crops, and no chemical fertilizers or pesticides).

Then car manufacturers make electric cars for all, and we're on our way to stopping our pollution in time! It's that simple really.

Think of it as the PEOPLE telling the GOVERNMENT to tell the ELECTRIC COMPANIES to GO 100% RENEWABLES. That order starts with the People - with us - because time has run out.

We have to start fast and succeed by 2030 because our additional pollution this decade will take the planet beyond the 1.5°C into tipping point scenarios that will destabilize the entire planet.

These three elements - electricity, cars, and food- are core consensus solutions with broad support.

The call for this bill is coming from elders, experts and the public, including over 850 Climate Activists and 150 organizations nationwide listed below. Add your name today!

All great movements have major legislation as a rallying cry to build public power and galvanize action. Now the Climate Crisis does too!

Welcome all to The Earth Bill Network, as we organize locally by Congressional District to secure passage of this historic proposal.

If we rise up now we can make history together, turn despair into hope, and change the global warming trajectory to save countless lives! It is very late, so we must push harder, faster and now!

Sign up below to join the mission to save the future! Welcome Earth Protectors!

The Earth Bill Pledge

I support The Earth Bill standards being put into law - with enforcement provisions - and pledge to press for their inclusion in legislation voted on in the 118th Congress.

Click to take the pledge

Pledge Groups & Citizens:

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Thank you! Your leadership drives us all.

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Earth Activists

First Name Last Name Congressional District Group Affiliation, if any

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