Democracy, the River, and You: A Call to Vote from our Executive Director

Dear River Citizens,

As guardians and caretakers of the Mississippi River, you already know what it means to care about something. You care about our rivers, and you take simple actions to mitigate your concern throughout the year, working towards a healthier system.

Confluence Trash Bash volunteers hauling in litter by the ton! (St. Louis Post Dispatch photo)

Thanks to long-time River Citizen Mike Schwenker for the amazing photo.


I think about this and how it ties into our responsibility as citizens of the United States to participate in democracy to show that we care for our communities, our state, our country. And in just a few short days, we have the opportunity to be active in part of the show of democracy, a major election.

Please vote. 

Vote in this election because it is one way to make your voice heard; to cast a ballot that reflects the values you hold dear. Values; like caring for clean water and investing in communities. But don’t stop there with voting. Voting is one important action that all eligible voters should take and the real work of our democratic system happens in the less glamorous events.



Painting by John Ruskey. Image courtesy of John Ruskey at Quapaw Canoe Company.

It is the daily effort and work that propels us forward in our democracy; it is the everyday actions that can clean up waterways and figure out solutions to lessen the impacts of flooding; it the daily fight for better that eventually leads to justice for people and communities forgotten.

Vote in this election and make your voice heard. And then roll up your sleeves and get to work towards a future that works for us all. I’ll be there side-by-side, working with you.


-Kelly McGinnis

Executive Director, Mississippi River Network








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You’ll also get our free e-book, Scenes From Our Mighty Mississippi, an inspiring collection of images featuring the River.

Step 1

Become a River Citizen

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I am committed to protecting the Mississippi River. Please keep me informed about actions I can take to protect the Mississippi River as a River Citizen, and send me my free e-book!, Scenes From Our Mighty Mississippi!


Step 2


We protect what we know and love. As a River Citizen, you’ll receive our email newsletter and updates, which offer countless ways to engage with and learn more about the River. You can also follow us on Instagram, Facebook, X (Twitter) , and YouTube, where we share about urgent issues facing the River, such as nutrient pollution, the importance of floodplains and wetlands, and bedrock legislation such as Farm Bill Conservation Programs.

Step 3

Take Action

There are many ways you can jump in and take action for a healthy Mississippi River. Our 10 actions list includes simple steps you can take at any time and wherever you are.  Check out our action center for current action alerts, bigger projects we are working on, and ways to get involved.