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Only 73 southern resident orcas exist in the wild. Scientists just discovered that 3 of them are pregnant.

September 23, 2021 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
Aerial Images documenting the shape change during pregnancy of an adult female southern resident killer whale known as J36. (Holly Fearnbach/SeaLife Response, Rehabilitation and Research SR3, and John Durban/Southall Environmental Associates)
4 min

On a routine research trip, two marine biologists were struck by what they saw in the waters of the Pacific Northwest: three endangered orcas with bulges indicating that they are pregnant.

The discovery was delightful — there are only 73 southern resident killer whales in the wild, and time is running out to save the species from extinction. Orcas, also called killer whales, give birth to one baby at a time, every three to 10 years.