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PROVE IT Act! | Citizens' Climate Lobby

We’re lobbying for the PROVE IT Act — and
you can help from home!

Give our Capitol Hill lobby meetings a boost with your calls

CCL volunteers are heading to our nation’s capital for hundreds of lobby meetings on June 11. It’s our biggest lobby day of the year! We’ll be building more support for the bipartisan PROVE IT Act. You can help from home by calling your senators and representatives to let them know about this legislation, too.

Tell your members of Congress you support it because it:


  • Measures the carbon intensity of certain goods
  • Helps America negotiate effectively with trading partners
  • Builds on bipartisan momentum to act on global carbon pollution

The PROVE IT Act was passed by its Senate committee earlier this year, and we’re expecting the House companion bill to be introduced in the coming weeks. Your calls, plus our in-person lobby meetings, will help move this bill forward! 


Take action now by calling your members of Congress asking them to cosponsor. (If your Senator has already signed on as a cosponsor, you will be prompted with a thank you message instead!)


If you’d prefer to call Congress directly, you can find the phone numbers here for House and Senate. Be sure to log your calls in the Action Tracker after you call!

What is the PROVE IT Act?

It would require the Department of Energy (DOE) to study and compare the carbon emissions of products that are produced in the United States vs. other countries. Within two years, the DOE will publish a study comparing the carbon output of U.S. goods, like aluminum, cement, crude oil, fertilizer, iron, steel and plastic, to goods made elsewhere.


Getting this information organized into a database is critical to enable America to negotiate effectively with trading partners who have carbon border adjustment mechanisms (CBAMs) in place. 


It has been introduced by Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and Kevin Cramer (R-ND) as S.1863 and passed by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee in January 2024. We expect it will be introduced in the House soon. Let’s encourage more members of Congress to sign on as cosponsors to keep this bill moving forward!


Here’s a quick rundown of the PROVE IT Act:

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Click to Call tool work?

The Click to Call tool makes it easy to call three members of Congress in one fell swoop.


  • Click “Call Me.”
  • The tool will call your phone and ask you to press one (‘1’) when you are ready to be connected to your first member of Congress.
  • You will be called from a Virginia phone number.
  • If using a mobile phone, you can switch back to the script during the call by switching back to the mobile browser.

Ending the call with an office:


  • If you speak with someone live, when the office disconnects the call (hangs up) you will automatically be connected to the next office.
  • If you leave a voicemail for an office, press star (‘*’) to connect to the next congressional office.

Check out our two-minute instructional video for a full explanation of how it works.


Wait – are there two PROVE IT Acts?

Yes! Weird coincidence, right? There is another PROVE IT Act that has been introduced in the Senate under bill number S.B. 1411. That one is about increasing transparency for federal regulations that impact small businesses. But we’re talking about S.B. 1863, introduced by Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE), which has to do with measuring the carbon output of manufactured goods. 


Why do we need the PROVE IT Act?

Right now, only 23% of global greenhouse gas emissions are covered by some kind of carbon price. But increasingly, countries are turning to measures like carbon tariffs as an effective tool to encourage other nations to reduce global emissions. 


For example, the European Union — the largest foreign market available to U.S. producers — is in the measurement phase of its own carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) policy. In the coming years, they will impose tariffs on imports based on its existing carbon price. 


It is important that American industry has accurate data about the carbon intensity of our own products and manufactured goods, so we can negotiate effectively with the E.U. and other trading partners. And good news — the carbon intensity of many U.S. industry products is among the lowest in the world.


What is a CBAM?

A carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) is an extra charge, on carbon-heavy goods that are imported through a country’s borders. CBAMs basically put a price on carbon for goods produced outside the country, which is an effective way to lower carbon emissions globally. 


The country that produced the carbon-intensive product must pay a fee based on the amount of carbon created by making the product. In order to avoid high CBAM fees, countries will lower the carbon output of their products by shifting to cleaner processes. CBAMs do not penalize countries with high-carbon products. Instead, they provide an incentive to switch to cleaner processes, helping economies stay strong. Learn more about CBAMs and why they matter.


Does this bill create a CBAM in the U.S.?

No, the PROVE IT Act does not put a CBAM in place. It only creates a system for carbon intensity data collection and reporting.


Will my members of Congress listen to me?

Yes! The idea that elected representatives don’t listen to their constituents is not true. In reality, congressional staffers take every call and voicemail and read every email their office receives and pass these onto their member of Congress in regular briefings. Congress works for you, and they want to know what their constituents care about. You may receive a generic message in response, but your message was still received loud and clear.


How else can I help?

You only need to call your members of Congress once yourself. Then, share this page with any friends, family and coworkers who want to help support this important legislation!


Who is Citizens’ Climate Lobby?

Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan grassroots advocacy climate change organization that exists to create the political will for climate change solutions by enabling individual breakthroughs in the exercise of personal and political power.


Our consistently respectful, nonpartisan approach to climate education is designed to create a broad, sustainable foundation for climate action across all geographic regions and political inclinations.


CCL empowers everyday people to work with their community and their members of Congress. Our supporters cover the political spectrum and work in more than 450 local chapters. Together, we’re building support for a national bipartisan solution to climate change.