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Defund ICE and CBP

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People are dying at the hands of ICE and CBP. These agencies are plagued by a culture of violence and system wide abuses. And yet, the federal government wastes more than $25 billion each year on ICE and CBP to profile, jail, and deport immigrants. Instead, our tax dollars need to be used to strengthen our families and communities. How? By investing in education, housing, green infrastructure, and health care programs. That money needs to be redirected from dangerous, deadly immigration enforcement and border militarization to programs that benefit us all. Instead, let’s use those tax dollars to invest in people. Let’s #DefundHate.

“We are from communities all across the nation.”

The Defund Hate Campaign is led by a coalition, composed of organizations that represent directly impacted communities, faith leaders, and civil and immigrant rights advocates.

Who We Are

Beyond the Enforcement Paradigm: A vision for a transformative budget for U.S. immigration

We believe in a just and compassionate approach to immigration, one that welcomes, respects, and honors the human rights and dignity of all immigrants with programs grounded in our communities. We recognize that in order to make this vision a reality, we must defund the old and abuse-ridden systems that perpetuate the cruelties of enforcement and instead invest in services that respond to real need.

Read the Defund Hate Coalition's “Beyond the Enforcement Paradigm: A vision for a transformative budget for U.S. immigration” that details how to move towards a more just and humane immigration system through a divest-invest approach.

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