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The Master of Influence with Si-Fu Bruce Lee
2023Mar 22
Who was Bruce Lee? Trailblazing film star, martial arts icon, or popular philosopher? Taken all together, he was the master of influence long before it became common to discuss influencers in today’s digital world. Considered the most influential martial artist of all time, Bruce carved his own path and became known for bridging the gap between East and West as he grew to become a screen legend on both sides of the Pacific while introducing aspects of Eastern philosophy in popular culture stateside. Did you know that Bruce also welcomed all races to train at his martial arts studio despite experiencing racial discrimination personally and professionally? Could his biggest impact be helping us see all the potential ways we have to be true to ourselves and make a difference? Be like water and flow along with us as our new video educates us on Bruce’s story from a new angle. This video is for educational purposes. The 1990 Institute, founded 32 years ago, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit located in San Francisco. Our mission is to champion fair and equitable treatment for Asian Americans and a constructive U.S.-China relationship through leadership, education, and collaboration. Our FREE programs provide educational content to high school and college students, teachers, and the general public. 0:00 Introduction 2:30 Hybridity and Open Borders 4:41 Hollywood - The Sign of the Times 8:57 Martial Arts 2.0 - Absorb Useful - Reject Useless 11:47 Racial Solidarity - See Character Not Color 13:14 Enter the Dragon - A Top 100 Roar of All Time 15:22 The Legacy - Keep your Mind Open 18:06 Credits Visit our Reference Library for more resources. #BruceLee #influencer #AsianAmerican #China #HongKong #martialarts #mixedmartialarts #mma #belikewater #SanFrancisco #streetfight #philosophy #Chinatown #dojo #wingchun #jeetkunedo #Hollywood #actor #Bruceleebirthday

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1990 Institute

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