Anishnawbe Health Foundation

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Organize an Event

Make a positive impact on the health of your community by hosting a fundraising event for Anishnawbe Health Foundation. There are many ways to do this — choose an activity that you enjoy and make it a fun experience with the added bonus of helping Anishnawbe Health Toronto.  Small, medium or large events are all welcome – all donations and fundraising helps!


Let us know about your plans so that we can provide assistance. Our online donation portal also provides support to help collect online donations for your event. Visit Canada Helps for further details.


Please note, all materials with Anishnawbe Health Foundation name or logo must be approved by the Foundation prior to print production and release. We are not  able to provide a mailing list of donors, prizes, funding or reimbursement for expenses.



Thank you for your interest in helping Anishnawbe Health Foundation — your support is greatly appreciated!