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What’s been happening with animals in Florida during Hurricane Ian?

From sharks to storks and stranded cats, wild and captive creatures have shown up in unexpected places due to the intense storm.

Updated October 4, 2022 at 10:08 a.m. EDT|Published September 30, 2022 at 1:42 p.m. EDT
ZooTampa's Africa animal care team moved their shoebill stork to a secure enclosure on Sept. 26 before Hurricane Ian struck Tampa. This video has no audio. (Video: ZooTampa)
3 min

The zookeepers were deliberate, wrapping her head in a blanket. One clenched shut her massive beak, another secured her slender legs, and a third gripped around her folded wings as they guided her to a cart.

Odette the shoebill stork would be safe from the coming storm.

The arrival of Hurricane Ian didn’t just displace thousands of people in Florida. The bruising winds and surging waters also dislodged animal residents. Here’s what happened to both wild and captive creatures across the peninsula.