🚨 New York Times Investigation Finds People Injured by COVID Vaccines Are Being ‘Ignored’

“The mainstream media, including The New York Times, is finally — three-and-a-half years late — acknowledging the devastating harm from the COVID shots.” — Mary Holland, CHD CEO


After years of reporting on news about vaccine injuries as “misinformation” and “conspiracy theory,” The New York Times today reported that “thousands” may have been injured by the COVID-19 vaccines — but ran accompanying articles declaring the shots safe and life-saving.


⚠️ Maine Attorney General Aaron Frey filed a 47-page complaint against Monsanto, accusing the company of selling polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) despite being aware of their dangers to human health, wildlife and the environment.



Maine Attorney General Aaron Frey filed a 47-page complaint against Monsanto, accusing the company of selling PCBs despite being aware of their dangers to human health, wildlife and the environment.


🚨 ‘High Stakes for Our Country’: 49 Senators Call on Biden to Reject WHO Agreements

The senators said before considering the amendments, the administration should focus on developing a comprehensive set of reforms for the WHO, given how it failed during the COVID-19 pandemic “and did lasting harm to our country.”



In a letter to President Joe Biden, the senators argued that before considering the amendments, the administration should focus on developing a comprehensive set of reforms for the WHO, given how it failed totally and predictably during the COVID-19 pandemic.


🚨 Throwing Kids’ Health Under the Bus? FCC Wants to Use COVID Funds to Put Wi-Fi on School Buses

“The science indicates that wireless radiation acts like a classic endocrine disruptor” + can impair memory, behavior, fertility + brain development, as well as lead to cancer + neurological illness. — Devra Davis, Ph.D., M.P.H.



Citing mental and physical health concerns, parents, politicians and safe technology advocates are pushing back against an FCC initiative to put Wi-Fi on school buses.


🚨 American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists Still Pushing COVID Shots for Pregnant Women — Could Millions in Government Funding Explain Why?

“The American people need to know that ACOG is using its authority + influence to push dangerous COVID-19 shots on pregnant women but failed to disclose its backdoor deal with the CDC.” — Justine Tanguay



The president of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists blocked an email from CHD’s Reform Pharma initiative rather than explaining why the organization keeps pushing the COVID-19 shots for pregnant women.
