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Records Indicate More Republican Women Than Ever Plan to Run for Office

Records Indicate More Republican Women Than Ever Plan to Run for Office

“They feel like this is the time to step up…Women are reaching out to us who feel displaced from the current party.”

Patti Russo, the woman in charge of the prestigious Women’s Campaign School at Yale University, told NBC News that the majority of calls she has received in the last year came from Republic women.

Russo explained the school collected “triple the number of applications from Republicans” because these women are “tired of being quiet, and they know they have a lot to give.”

The batch of applications contains a variety of women from homemakers to prosecutors.

NBC News spoke to Ramirez Mukherjee who plans to run for a Congressional seat:

An investment manager who is pro-choice, pro-gay rights and concerned about climate change, Ramirez Mukherjee said she’s stepping up in the hope of helping to change the perception of her party.

“There are so many people like me in the urban centers but we are all just in hiding and don’t get a platform,” said Ramirez Mukherjee, 46, who is Mexican-American and holds graduate degrees from Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.

“I want to get out there and show people that you can be a Republican and be considerate and kind and diverse,” added Ramirez Mukherjee. “We need to have new role models in the party.”

Anne Smith somewhat mirrors Mukherjee, but she describes herself more as socially moderate and fiscally conservative. Smith wants to land in the Virginia General Assembly:

She spent two years in Afghanistan working to help stabilize the local government after coalition forces ousted the Taliban in the early 2000s.

But Smith, who describes herself as fiscally conservative and socially moderate, now feels like it’s the U.S. political system that’s broken — and her party is a part of the problem.

“I’m really frustrated with the Republican party,” said Smith, 37. “It’s losing women voters, and it doesn’t seem to be doing anything about it.”

Smith said Trump’s controversial remarks about women haven’t made her question her party loyalty. Instead, they’ve actually strengthened her case for pursuing elected office now.

“It is disparaging and I can recognize that, but it’s not going to dissuade me from running,” she added. “In fact, it would just say there’s more of a reason to show that there are women who will stand up and be in the Republican party.”

The growth of Republican women for office goes beyond the Women’s Campaign School at Yale University. The Super PAC Republican Women for Progress has seen a jump in interest as well.

The PAC acquired $1 million in one month last fall after it promised to support “Republican women’s voices.” Around 50 women throughout the US have received help from this group as they venture into politics on all levels:

“We can’t keep up with all the folks reaching out to us,” co-founder Jennifer Pierotti Lim told NBC News.

“Without a doubt, it’s definitely more Republican women than I’ve ever seen be interested in running. They feel like this is the time to step up…Women are reaching out to us who feel displaced from the current party.”

The National Republican Congressional Committee’s spokesman announced it has a “record number of women running for the House.” VIEW PAC has “at least twice as many serious female candidates this election cycle compared to the last.”

Women within the Republican Party found resistance from within to run for office. One woman. Emily Pelphrey, had enough and left. Now she supports Joe Biden.

The lack of support came to the forefront when Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) “came up against resistance over a plan to encourage more women to compete in GOP primaries.”

That resistance may go away now with so many Republican women pushing forward. Russo said the “surge in interest has convinced her that more Republican women are poised to enter politics no matter the level of support they receive.”


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History has shown that is impossible to be “socially moderate and fiscally conservative”. If you are “pro-choice” (pro-abortion), “pro-gay rights” (call for special privileges for homosexuals), and belong to the cult of global warming you will end up being a DIABLO – Democrat In All But Label Only.

But it doesn’t matter if they prove to be as lousy as I predict. The gripping hand is that neither Anne Smith nor Ramirez Murkherjee will get elected. Call it the Mitt Romneycare Effect: they will alienate independents and conservatives without attracting enough Democrats (their true constituency) to limp over the finish line.

    healthguyfsu in reply to Recovering Lutheran. | August 26, 2019 at 7:20 pm

    I agree. How is this a republican?

    History has shown that is impossible to be “socially moderate and fiscally conservative”.

    That’s not true. The problem is that some people who claim to be socially moderate are actually wildly radical. The Republican mainstream is fairly moderate on most social issues; but nowadays anything short of full-on radicalism is considered to be hard right.

    On gay rights, for instance, in the ’70s my position was very liberal; nowadays it’s to the right of Genghis Khan. And yet it hasn’t changed at all. It’s the labels that have changed, and I have refused to change with them.

      tommy mc donnell in reply to Milhouse. | August 27, 2019 at 3:32 pm

      if someone believes in equal rights, how can there be a gay right?

        Because gay people are people, and are therefore entitled to the same rights and consideration as everyone else. In 1970 that was a radical position. Today it’s on the extreme

They sound like Democrats.

Right, that’s what the Republican Party really need—to be even harder to distinguish from the Donks.

They are facing resistance because they aren’t actually Republicans, not because they are women.

    healthguyfsu in reply to healthguyfsu. | August 26, 2019 at 7:23 pm

    Case in point with Ms. Pelphrey. How are you a Republican when you go and support Joe Biden? You never were and you were rooted out as such. There is a need to run squishes at times when they are the only electable alternative to a progressive douche, but that doesn’t mean we need to court and recruit them.

    Indeed. Leaving the totalitarian aspects aside, there is no political market for Republicans following Democrat’s down the Communist rabbit hole. What would make a Communist-leaning Republican more electable than a Communist-leaning Democrat? And why the heck would want such a choice?

So a liberal college is recruiting Democrat and never Trump women to run as Republicans. What a shock!

    hrh40 in reply to Max17. | August 27, 2019 at 6:38 am

    And being publicized by NBC News. Double shocker!

    I betcha’ they think this makes them all bi-partisan and balanced cuz Look a positive article about Republicans!

Female RINOs usually have horns too.

2nd Ammendment Mother | August 26, 2019 at 9:40 pm

The first thing to clue you in was the whining. I was a Cruz supporter, but when the chips were down, Trump has been willing to fight and willing to make the Dems eat their own crow.

And there is very little that comes out of the Ivy League that I would invite to my kitchen table or onto my range.

“An investment manager who is pro-choice, pro-gay rights and concerned about climate change, Ramirez Mukherjee said she’s stepping up in the hope of helping to change the perception of her party.“

Lost me right here. I was like WTF is this. You trying to change the perception to that we are same as then Democrats?

BTW, the “perception” of the party among Democrats and your rich friends will always be that we are racist Nazis. And nothing you can do will change that. Surrender and they will still hate you.

And it gets worse.

““I want to get out there and show people that you can be a Republican and be considerate and kind and diverse,”

We are considerate and kind and diverse. We just get a trifle concerned when we don our MAGA caps and get punches thrown at us. Any helpful thoughts about that?

What a bunch of virtue signaling prima donnas concerned that their social status will be impacted if they pushback too hard against the communist progressives.

Hey, we tried the Bushes for 3 terms and we are done with them, Romney, and the rest of the RINO brigade.

Go contribute to the latest global warming charity scam with your money but keep your hands off mine.

Just a repeat of the past 50 years. Democrats who think that it’s easier in some districts to be elected by pretending to be Republicans. Call them Collins/Murkowski Republicans.

    artichoke in reply to txvet2. | August 27, 2019 at 8:07 am

    Collins earned her way out of that basket with her vote for Kavanaugh. As for Murkowski, they elected your late husband, so sorry for your loss but what are you doing in his seat?

An investment manager who is pro-choice, pro-gay rights and concerned about climate change, Ramirez Mukherjee said she’s stepping up in the hope of helping to change the perception of her party.

No, thank you. If you’re looking for a “Sane Democrats” party I wish you lots of luck, but the Republican Party is ours and you can’t have it.

“I want to get out there and show people that you can be a Republican and be considerate and kind and diverse,”

Of course you can be a Republican and be considerate and kind. If you think this is in any kind of doubt, if you think the current Republican Party gives the honest impression that Republicans are not considerate and kind, then the problem is with you. As for “diverse”, the fact that you think that’s a value worth having is another problem with you. I understand you’re allergic to insanity, so you don’t want to get in with the Democrats, but that’s your problem.

As for “fiscally conservative and socially liberal”, there’s nothing wrong with that, but given what else you’ve said I suspect that what you call “moderate” most people would call “radical”.

With “Republicans” like this who needs democrats.

2smartforlibs | August 27, 2019 at 1:32 pm

The mistake your making is over the year the distinction between Republican and conservative has become clear. The left has its problems between democrats and radicals. I myself a conservative and am sick of the RINO brigade running for office Dole, McCain, Romney. IF I wanted a liberal in office I could vote for a liberal no need for liberal lite.

With these screeching, rabid, hysterical borderline personality disordered-addled women jumping on the leftist bandwagon for the sickest reasons, mentally healthy women are seeing enormous opportunity.

buckeyeminuteman | August 28, 2019 at 12:53 am

Pro gay choice, pro gay rights and concerned about climate change…we don’t want her.

Condemning your the Republican party is the first sign these women are nothing but trouble. They end up being the same as Ana Navarro or Nicole Wallace as the favorite Republican of the MSM who only exist to talk about how Deplorable the Trump supporters are.