
Mt. Adams Institute Sense of Place Lecture Series

Countdown to Salmon at a Crossroads, Lecture with Miles Johnson

Thank you for joining Mt. Adams Institute Sense of Place lecture series: “Salmon at a Crossroads" featuring Miles Johnson, Legal Director, Columbia Riverkeeper.

Miles discussed the widespread consensus that most wild Snake River salmon and steelhead are on a trajectory to extinction and why he believes the movement to un-dam the Lower Snake River is as close to success as it has been for decades. If you missed the event, or would like to watch it again or share with colleagues:

sense of place - salmon at a crossroads screen cap

Snake River salmon and steelhead are at crossroads. The science shows, more clearly than ever, that these fish will continue declining unless we remove the Lower Snake River dams. Fortunately, the movement for dam removal is gaining momentum! Come learn about how Tribal leadership, and a renewed focus on the rights of Tribal Nations, have led the White House to acknowledge the urgent need to remove the Lower Snake River dams. We’ll also discuss efforts to replace the dams’ benefits and the significant work that remains ahead. Read more.


Take Action

Speak up for salmon and Tribal rights! Tell Congress to help States and Tribes invest in clean energy and restore abundant salmon.