Building Bright Futures (BBF) is a nonprofit working to improve the well-being of young children and families in Vermont. We are Vermont’s early childhood public-private partnership, charged under Vermont Title 33 § Chapter 46 and the Federal Head Start Act (Public Law 110-134) as Vermont’s Early Childhood State Advisory Council (SAC). We are also tasked with ensuring accountability and measuring the success of Vermont’s Early Childhood Action Plan and Vermont’s Act 76, a child care law passed in 2023.

BBF supports accountability through Vermont’s Early Childhood Data & Policy Center, a nonpartisan, independent source of data, research, and publications for policymakers, researchers, and the public.


Sharing Our Work


Three young children smile and look through the window of a wooden playhouse, with a polka dot balloon behind them
May 30, 2024

How BBF Develops Our Annual Policy Recommendations

Each year, BBF develops Policy Recommendations with input from families, early childhood professionals, and other partners from across the Network. The recommendations aim to highlight the current gaps and needs in early childhood policy, promote achievable and measurable action in strategic areas for the coming year, and move Vermont toward the vision outlined in Vermont’s […]

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Vermont Capitol building in summer
May 13, 2024

BBF’s Approach to Advisement in 2024

On May 11, Vermont’s General Assembly officially adjourned and brought the 2023-2024 biennium to a close in Montpelier. Over the course of the session, Building Bright Futures (BBF) played a key role as the primary advisor to the Legislature on the early childhood period. This advisement played out in a variety of ways, both formal […]

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