Never fear, the CHECK YOUR HEAD Podcast is here, where notable musicians and experts share their stories and solutions for mental health and wellness. A music journalist and former life coach for musicians, host Mari Fong dives deep with her interviews to bring out open, honest musician stories with real-world mental health solutions, while top mental health experts give professional help and solutions for recovery. Explore our

website and find the largest online collection of free and affordable mental health solutions EVER! A great listen for musicians, those with mood disorders, and anyone looking for inspiring stories of hope, resilience and recovery.

“Be brave, ask for help, and be persistent in finding the mental help that you need.” - Mari Fong, CHECK YOUR HEAD Podcast

Mental Help for Musicians


Mental Help for Everyone


Telehealth, Apps

& More



Be a CHECK YOUR HEAD “Superhero” when you participate in our mission to normalize the conversations on mental health, encourage others to get help, and provide solutions for recovery.