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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tells climate marchers to be ‘too big and too radical to ignore’ – as it happened

This article is more than 8 months old

Demonstration falls days before the United Nations climate ambition summit, at which Joe Biden is expected to be a no-show

Sun 17 Sep 2023 17.16 EDTFirst published on Sun 17 Sep 2023 11.39 EDT
Thousands of activists marched in New York City on Sunday for the march to end fossil fuels.
Thousands of activists marched in New York City on Sunday for the march to end fossil fuels. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
Thousands of activists marched in New York City on Sunday for the march to end fossil fuels. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

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AOC addresses crowd of climate activists in New York City 'We must be too big and too radical to ignore'

Dharna Noor

The crowd cried out in cheers for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who thanked them for showing up and highlighting the urgency of the climate crisis.

“This issue is the issue, one of the most important issues of our time,” she said, adding: “We must be too big and too radical to ignore.”

Climate action requires a democratic restructuring of the economy, she said.

“What we’re not gonna do is go from oil barons to solar barons,” she told the crowd.

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Key events

The Climate Reality Project, a non-profit global network comprising 3.5 million climate activists, was one of the many organizations present at the march in New York City today.

We are mobilizing around the summit to leverage national and international pressure to demand leaders change course.

This is a critical moment for mass mobilization on fossil fuels that could ignite bigger and bolder climate action.

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Here is a tweet by Oil Change International of the various climate change marches that were staged around the world this week, including today’s rally in New York City.

This is a big, beautiful climate movement & we’re calling on world leaders to #EndFossilFuels NOW. No more talk, we need action!

This week by the numbers:

600,000 people.
700 actions.
65 countries.
All 7 continents.


But numbers don't do it justice. This is a big, beautiful climate movement & we're calling on world leaders to #EndFossilFuels NOW. No more talk, we need action!

— Oil Change International (@PriceofOil) September 17, 2023
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Dharna Noor

V, the author of The Vagina Monologues formerly known as Eve Ensler, announced that she is working on a musical about the climate crisis.

She and three cast members previewed a song from the show called Panic. “We want you to panic / We want you to act / You stole our future / And we want it, we want it back.”

Eve Ensler, author of the Vagina Monologues, announced that she is working on a musical about the climate crisis. She and three cast members previewed a song from the show called "Panic."

— 𝕯𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖆 𝕹𝖔𝖔𝖗 (@dharnanoor) September 17, 2023
  • This post was amended on 18 September 2023 to correct the author’s name.

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“Don’t let the cynics win. The cynics want us to think that this isn’t worth it. The cynics want us to believe that we can’t win. The cynics want us to believe that organizing doesn’t matter, that our political system doesn’t matter, that our economy doesn’t matter,” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told a crowd of cheering protestors.

“We’re here to say that we organize out of hope, we organize out of commitment, we organize out of love, we organize out of the beauty of our future. We will not give up! We will not let go! We will not allow cynicism to to prevail! We will not allow our vision of a collaborative economy, of dignity for working people, of honoring the Black, brown, Indigenous, white working class! We will not give up and that is what we are here to do today!” she added.

“The United States continues to be approving record number of fossil fuel leases and we must send a message, right here today – that has got to end!”

Earlier this month, AOC spoke to the Guardian and said that “there’s a very real danger here,” in reference to the presidential 2024 elections and the climate crisis.

crowd LOSING it for @AOC

— 𝕯𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖆 𝕹𝖔𝖔𝖗 (@dharnanoor) September 17, 2023

@AOC passionately addresses the crowd at the #EndFossilFuels rally in New York City

— Aliya Uteuova (@aliyaute) September 17, 2023
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AOC addresses crowd of climate activists in New York City 'We must be too big and too radical to ignore'

Dharna Noor

The crowd cried out in cheers for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who thanked them for showing up and highlighting the urgency of the climate crisis.

“This issue is the issue, one of the most important issues of our time,” she said, adding: “We must be too big and too radical to ignore.”

Climate action requires a democratic restructuring of the economy, she said.

“What we’re not gonna do is go from oil barons to solar barons,” she told the crowd.

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Here are more images coming through the newswires from the march:

The march to end fossil fuels. Photograph: Justin Lane/EPA
A man dressed as a snowman participates in the march to end fossil fuels. Photograph: Justin Lane/EPA
Activists kick off Climate Week with a protest against fossil fuels. Photograph: Eduardo Muñoz/Reuters
Activists kick off Climate Week with a protest against fossil fuels in New York City. Photograph: Eduardo Muñoz/Reuters
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Dharna Noor

World leaders have ‘forgotten’ responsibility to Mother Earth

Veteran Indigenous organizer Tom Goldtooth, who is executive director of the Indigenous Environmental Network, attended the march. “I’m here at the request of spiritual authorities within our Indigenous network,” he said.

“They said that this United Nations secretary general’s summit on climate ambition has no spiritual soul to it – that the world leaders have forgotten what the responsibility is to understand the sacredness of Mother Earth.”

He decried world leaders’ focus on technological solutions like geoengineering, as well as carbon offset markets, which studies show often do not result in lowered emissions.

“We’re here to renew not only our relationship but humanity’s relationship to building sustainable communities based upon regenerative economy, living economy, not a fossil fuel economy,” he said.

Tom Goldtooth of @IENearth said he is here "at the request of spiritual authorities within our indigenous network."

"They that this United Nations Secretary General's Summit on Climate ambition has no spiritual soul to it," he said.

— 𝕯𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖆 𝕹𝖔𝖔𝖗 (@dharnanoor) September 17, 2023
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Aliya Uteuova

“The fight for the planet is not a personal issue, it’s a collective issue,” said Grant Miner, a graduate student representing the labor contingent with the Student Workers of Columbia University. “The economy that we have now is structured around killing the planet for profit.”

“We’re asking Biden to divest fossil fuels,” said Sincere Cheong, who marched alongside thousands of other people. “The world is being destroyed and if we don’t cut back right now we won’t be able to limit the global warming to 1.5 degrees.”

March to End Fossil Fuels ahead of Climate Ambition Summit in New York Photograph: Justin Lane/EPA
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Tens of thousands march in New York City to protest fossil fuels

Dharna Noor

Tens of thousands of people in New York City have kicked off a week of demonstrations seeking to end the use of coal, oil and natural gas blamed for climate change.

“This is an incredible moment,” said Jean Su of Center for Biological Diversity, who helped organize the mobilization.

Tens of thousands of people are marching in the streets of New York because they want climate action, and they understand Biden’s expansion of fossil fuels is squandering our last chance to avoid climate catastrophe.

Su said the action was the largest climate protest in the US since the start of the pandemic, with organizers estimating around 75,000 protestors taking to the streets in New York City.

She added:

This also shows the tremendous grit and fight of the people, especially youth and communities living at the frontlines of fossil fuel violence, to fight back and demand change for the future they have every right to lead.

In addition to celebrities and lawmakers, kids from across the country as well as elderly people showed up at the protests, waving climate signs and chanting alongside event organizers.

New York’s Democratic representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who previously championed the Green New Deal alongside Senator Bernie Sanders, is also expected to address the crowd later this afternoon.

Sunday’s demonstration comes ahead of the the United Nations Climate Ambition Summit, which the UN secretary general, António Guterres, says will focus on on bold new climate pledges.

Thousands of activists, indigenous groups, students and others take to the streets of New York for the march to end fossil fuels protest on 17 September 2023 in New York City. Photograph: Spencer Platt/Getty Images
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Mark Oliver
Mark Oliver

In its citations for its climate journalists of the year, Covering Climate Now said:

  • Manka Behl of the Times of India was praised by judges for reports “from the frontlines of the crisis in one of the world’s most climate-important countries” and for her interviews with leaders.

  • Damian Carrington of the Guardian was credited for science-based reporting that “explains that politics and corporate power, not a lack of green technologies, are what block climate progress”, and cited for leading a reporting team on investigating “carbon bombs” and super-emitting methane leaks.

  • Amy Westervelt was described as a prolific, multiplatform reporter for Critical Frequency whose work exposes how fossil fuel companies continue to mislead the public and policymakers alike.

“Every news outlet on earth can learn from the engaged, hard-hitting journalism that Manka, Damian and Amy bring to the climate story,” said Mark Hertsgaard, the executive director of Covering Climate Now. “It’s reporting like this that arms the public with the power that knowledge gives.”

The awards also recognized six Special Honors winners for “rigorous investigative reports, eye-opening exposes of climate injustice, and much-needed analyses of climate solutions”:

Climate journalism awards announced this week

Mark Oliver
Mark Oliver

Covering Climate Now, the global journalism collaboration, is announcing its media awards this week at a time when audiences need to know how and why “the planet is on fire” and what can be done, judges said.

CCN’s three climate journalists of the year for 2023 are Damian Carrington of the Guardian, Manka Behl of the Times of India and Amy Westervelt, the founder of the Critical Frequency podcast network.

Damian Carrington, Guardian environment editor Photograph: Jill Mead/The Guardian

Naomi Klein, the international bestselling author, won in the commentary category, while Ishan Kukreti of the Indian non-profit won for long-form writing.

Covering Climate Now is a global collaboration involving some 600 news outlets with a reach of more than 2 billion people, and its media awards program was launched three years ago to spread standards of excellence in climate journalism.

This year’s winners were selected from a list of finalists from more than 1,100 entries from 29 countries, and chosen by more than 100 journalists.

Dharna Noor

Children showed up in droves for the march to end fossil fuels.

“We’re here today because our planet deserves a future,” Ida, 12, said.

Children showed up in droves for the March to End Fossil Fuels.

"We're here today because our planet deserves a future," Ida, 12, said.

— 𝕯𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖆 𝕹𝖔𝖔𝖗 (@dharnanoor) September 17, 2023

Gus, a six-year-old, travelled from Boston for the march with his mother, Laura. “We’re here to end fossil fuels … so we can stop climate change,” he said.

Aviva, a seven-year-old Brooklynite who attended the march with her mom and sister, spoke into the megaphone. “Hey hey, ho,” she shouted, as the crowd responded: “Fossil fuels have got to go!”

Aviva, a 7 year old Brooklynite who attended the march with her mom and sister, spoke into the megaphone.

"Hey hey, ho," she shouted, as the crowd responded, "fossil fuels have got to go!"

— 𝕯𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖆 𝕹𝖔𝖔𝖗 (@dharnanoor) September 17, 2023
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As the climate rally in New York City continues, climate activists in Germany sprayed orange paint on to Berlin’s popular Brandenburg Gate on Sunday in attempts to call on the German government to stop using fossil fuels.

“The protest makes it clear: it is time for a political change,” the climate activist group the Last Generation said in a statement, the Associated Press reports.

“Away from fossil fuels – towards fairness,” it added.

The Associated Press reports that police have blocked the area around the historic gate and confirmed that they have detained 14 activists that are affiliated with the Last Generation.

On the morning of 17 September 2023, members of the Last Generation climate group sprayed orange paint on the columns of Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate. Photograph: Clemens Bilan/EPA
Two men remove paint from the columns of Berlin’s landmark Brandenburg Gate on 17 September 2023. Photograph: John MacDougall/AFP/Getty Images
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Mentions of gas stoves are emerging as a theme among the many signs protesters are holding up at the march to end fossil fuels.

This April, New York became the first US state to ban gas stoves in new residential building construction as research emerged about its dangers for human health.

Gas stoves are in protesters mind today in NYC. This April, NY State became the first state to ban gas stoves in new residential building constructions

— Aliya Uteuova (@aliyaute) September 17, 2023
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Dharna Noor

At the march, the Rev Lennox Yearwood, head of the Hip Hop Caucus, likened today’s climate movement to the US fight for racial justice.

“We’re at our lunch counter moment for the 21st century,” he said.

A native of Louisiana, he said he was excited to see demonstrators support environmental justice activists’ fight to end petrochemical buildout in the south-west US.

“We need to end fossil fuels in all forms,” he said.

Protesters chanted: “We are unstoppable, another world is possible.”

Others sang Leonard Cohen’s Anthem: “There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”

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Dharna Noor

Veteran environmental activist Bill McKibben travelled to New York City to attend the march.

“I think it’s a real restart moment after the pandemic for the big in-the-streets climate movement,” he said. “It’s good to see people get back out there.”

The crowd, he said, reflected the diversity of New York City.

“I’m glad to see there’s a lot of old people like me here,” said McKibben, who founded Third Act, an activist group aimed at elders. “We’ll be marching in the back because we’re slow!”

Environmentalist and writer @billmckibben marching alongside protesters at the #EndFossilFuel in New York

— Aliya Uteuova (@aliyaute) September 17, 2023
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Dharna Noor

Climate scientist Peter Kalmus at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab also spoke at the press conference, saying that he has two kids in high school and that he’s “terrified for their future”.

“I’m terrified for my future right now,” he added.

“We are so clearly in a fucking climate emergency. Why won’t Biden declare it?” he said.

now @ClimateHuman says he has two kids in high school. "I'm terrified for their future - I'm terrified for MY future right now."

"We are so clearly in a fucking climate emergency. Why won't Biden declare it?"

— 𝕯𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖆 𝕹𝖔𝖔𝖗 (@dharnanoor) September 17, 2023
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