In 2013, our team picked up a woman named Rose who was suffering from a retained placenta. Once we flew her from the village of Kanduanam to the hospital, she was able to get the care she needed so both she and her baby girl could go home healthy. This story is typical of many of the women with pregnancy complications our team brings in.

About six years later, our team received an emergency call to pick up Clements, a patient who had suffered a spear wound and who was from the same village Rose lives in. When we went to visit him in the hospital, his father, George, pulled out a picture cut from a newspaper article. The picture was of Mark and Kirsten Palm visiting his wife, Rose, and their baby girl in Kanduanam all those years ago. How amazing it was to see how George’s wife, his baby girl, and now his son were all impacted by Samaritan Aviation’s ministry. Before Clements left the hospital, our Hospital Ministry Assistant, Robert, led Clements in a prayer to accept Christ as his Savior.

Matthew 5:16 says, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Our hope as an organization is to live this out in all that we do. And when we experience lives such as Clements’ being changed, we are so grateful and give the glory to our heavenly Father.