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Majestic pink spoonbill birds seen in D.C. area, far from Floridian habitat

The roseate spoonbill’s journey up the East Coast this year is a mystery

August 3, 2021 at 1:18 p.m. EDT
This roseate spoonbill was photographed in Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens on Aug. 1, located in the northeastern corner of Washington, D.C. Spoonbills are usually found in Florida, Cuba, along the Gulf of Mexico coastline and points south. (Jim Havard)

The beautiful and striking roseate spoonbill is usually found in Florida, the Southeast Atlantic coast, Cuba and near the Gulf of Mexico. But this summer, it’s been spotted in the District, Virginia, Delaware, New York and even as far north as Maine.

With its vibrant pink coloring, enormous wingspan, football-shape and rounded bill, the spoonbill is a sight to behold.