May 28, 2020 – According to Nevada Irrigation District (NID) Board President Ricki Heck, NID’s General Manager Rem Scherzinger submitted his letter of resignation this morning via email to the Board of Directors.

Heck said, “I wish Rem all the best and want to thank him for his service to the District and the community.”

The letter reads, in part:

Members of the Board,

This letter serves as my official letter of resignation pursuant to Section 2.2 of my employment contract. Given the contract terms of a 45-day notice in advance in Section 3.3 my last day at the District will be July 11th 2020. I will work to schedule a special closed session Board Meeting as soon as practical so that we can discuss how to transition to new leadership.

It has been a great honor and pleasure to lead NID for the last seven and a half years and I will miss everyone very much. We have seen some incredible growth over that time and I am proud of what we have accomplished. NID is capable of great things and the staff and management team are poised to take the next steps forward to prepare the District for the next 100 years.

May 28, 2020 at 2:15 PM NID has provided the email Rem Scherzinger sent to all employees this morning:

Good Morning Everyone,

This morning I tendered my resignation to the Board of Directors. Currently, my last day at the District will be July the 11th. It has been a tremendous honor to have had the opportunity to lead our organization for the last seven and a half years. I want everyone to know how much you all mean to me and what an honor it has been to work with everyone here at the District.

I am always amazed by the selflessness of our NID family and your absolute dedication to our community. It has always inspired me to push further, to find benefit for all of you and our community at the same time. What an incredible team we have been.

There is still work to be done. You all know that heavy lifting is ahead, but don’t worry. You have the training, skills, and attitude to accomplish great things. Your management team is one of the best in the industry and is capable of leading you through the changes to come. Stand together, focus, and push forward.

NID has a special place in my heart, and as I move on, I do so stronger because of our collective experiences. Thank you for supporting me as your General Manager and for allowing me to be a part of NID.

I will miss you all very much.

