We are a non-partisan, statewide, grassroots community reimagining how our democracy operates.

Imagine a government responsive to the needs of the people, leaving partisan politics, voter suppression, and monied interests in the past.

We believe a better way is possible— do you?



Enact Ranked choice Voting

In our current system, legislators are often elected with the support of just a minority of voters. Districts should be represented by candidates who have the support of a majority of voters. Ranked choice voting allows for majority voting, and increases the diversity among candidates.


Currently, there are no limits on what lobbyists can give to public officials in Pennsylvania.

Legislators should be responsive to the will of the public, not gift-giving lobbyists. This modest anti-corruption policy is already enacted in 47 other states.

There’s much work to be done to take build a democracy that works for us, not lobbyists and big-money donors.

View our full Money Out, People in! policy platform here.

Follow us on social media to keep up with our campaigns!


What are you waiting for?