". . . and having done all . . . stand firm." Eph. 6:13


Perkins Address: ‘We Won’t Wait for Washington’

February 6, 2023

As the nation prepares for President Biden’s State of the Union Address, President of Family Research Council (FRC) Tony Perkins gave an address seeking to point America back to biblical truth. Pastors from 19 different states along with other guests joined together on Monday to hear Perkins’s State of Faith, Family, and Freedom address. Perkins began with the observation, “We’ve [America] not been this divided since Abraham Lincoln’s day.”

One year has passed since Biden’s first State of the Union address, when he announced his plans of, “rebuilding a nation, revitalizing our democracy, and winning the future for America.” Anticipating Biden’s address, Perkins stressed that his message would differ on key points. America has made advancements, but Perkins argued they have been in the wrong direction considering, “the hostility toward religious freedom and biblical truth that we’ve seen from this administration.”

The divided nation is in a conflict that “points to severe fractures in the fault lines of worldview — how we see the world,” Perkins said. “No society can remain healthy — or survive long — with such fractures. Red lines are being crossed.” As his speech continued, Perkins referenced the specific lines that the current administration had crossed at a federal level.

Over 53% of the 900,000 plus abortions that took place in 2020 were chemical abortions. Perkins alluded to the FDA rule that was approved, allowing pharmacies to distribute chemical abortions as well as mail them to women and girls. “Tomorrow night, President Biden is likely to say that he and his administration have stood up for ‘reproductive rights’ and for so-called ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ in public life,” Perkins said. “We, in turn, are grieved that abortion, aided by abortion drugs is on the rise again.”

Perkins encouraged his listeners to continue fighting for infants in the womb, despite “politicians, the media, and every square inch of the entertainment industry against us.” The tragedy is too great, so “we are ready to turn, and we won’t wait for Washington,” Perkins concluded.

Having addressed the abortion crises facing America today, Perkins then narrowed his focus on the indoctrination of children within the American school systems. “Our children are being openly and directly targeted, without shame or mercy,” he said. “Parents are being deceived by public school leaders who are secretly teaching schoolchildren it’s normal, right, and even good for them to ‘be’ the opposite sex from how God uniquely made them and formed them.”

Perkins noted that in July of 2022, the Biden administration began to enforce Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, which guarantees non-discrimination in any federally supported health program regarding abortion and sex changes, including for minors. Despite the attack on American children, Perkins repeated that, “we must not — and we will not — wait for Washington.” With FRC leading the fight, action must be taken regardless of the current administration’s efforts, he emphasized.

Although “there is work that can only be done in the halls of government,” Perkins portrayed a glimpse of hope as he spoke of the men and women, “reclaiming the integrity of their profession.” Some of these “heroes” Perkins referenced were Wendy Wright from Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center and Christian and Amy Snead, who were both in the audience.

“Friends here in this room and across the nation, let us reclaim our freedom as Americans to proclaim our ideals and our convictions,” Perkins declared as his speech concluded. “Let us resolve to pursue them in the public square, with vigor and without fear.”