Rally for a Coal-Free Future in Omaha
Saturday, May 6th - 12:00 to 1:30pm - Downtown Omaha (Near CHI Health Center, Cass St. & N. 10th St.)

Berkshire Hathaway operates one of the largest fleets of coal plants in the nation and for too long Iowa and Nebraska residents have borne the health and financial costs of their polluting facilities. Two large coal units operated by Berkshire's MidAmerican Energy Company in Council Bluffs, IA loom across the river from Omaha. On May 6th, join us for a rally for a coal-free future outside of the annual Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting in Omaha, NE. We'll meet, rally and march together to demand a coal-free future.

Sign-up for the charter bus from the Des Moines metro. Use the form below to stay updated on the rally and reserve your free transportation option. The bus will depart at 9:00am on May 6th from the Des Moines metro and return around 4:00pm the same day. Free t-shirt, box lunch and refreshments provided.
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