Healthy School Meals for All NY Kids Campaign

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Tell state lawmakers to guarantee healthy school meals for all!

The Healthy School Meals for All NY Kids coalition is calling on Governor Hochul to make New York a leader in ending childhood hunger in schools by funding universal free school meals in the State budget.

One in seven children in New York experience hunger and Black and Latinx children make up a disproportionate share. Existing programs in New York leave far too many behind, including families struggling to make ends meet while hovering just above the income limits for free school meals and kids who qualify, but hesitate to eat, due to stigma and shame associated with providing free meals to only certain students.

Funding healthy school meals for all in the FY2024 state budget is a concrete, evidence-based step to reduce child hunger and advance equity in health and education in nearly every community across the state.

Add your support by sending a letter directly to Governor Hochul, leaders in the Senate and Assembly, and your representatives in the legislature urging them to fund free, healthy meals for all New York students. Use this tool to send a message with just one click: