Turkey's Erdogan vows to protect Palestinians against Israel annexation

'We will not allow Palestinian lands to be offered to anyone,' Turkish president says in video message to American Muslims, claims his country is 'only voice' defending the Palestinians today
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reiterated Turkey's support for the Palestinian people on Monday during the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr in a video message posted on social media.
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  • "We will not allow Palestinian lands to be offered to anyone," Erdogan said in the video message addressed to American Muslims.
    "I would like to reiterate that Al Quds Al-Sharif [the Temple Mount in Jerusalem], the holy place of the three religions... is a red line for all Muslims in the world," he said.
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    העצרת הכללית של האו"ם
    העצרת הכללית של האו"ם
    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan slams Israeli policy at the UN General Assembly in New York, Sept ember 2019
    (Photo: Reuters)
    According to Erdogan, Turkey is the "only voice" that defends the Palestinians today.
    Erdogan also attacked the Israeli government's plans to annex parts of the West Bank in the coming months.
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    Erdogan meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ankara in 2017
    Erdogan meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ankara in 2017
    Erdogan meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ankara in 2017
    (Photo: AP)
    The proposed plan to annex 30 percent of Area C of the West Bank could begin as early as July 1, under the terms of the new Israeli coalition agreement signed earlier this month between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and new Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz.
    The Turkish president also addressed the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
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    חולת קורונה ב בית חולים ב איסטנבול טורקיה
    חולת קורונה ב בית חולים ב איסטנבול טורקיה
    A Turkish medic treats a coronavirus patient in an Istanbul hospital
    (Photo: EPA)
    "I wish Allah's mercy to our brothers and sisters, who lost their lives and a speedy recovery to those who are receiving treatment," he added.
    Turkey has had 156,827 confirmed cases of coronavirus infection and 4,340 deaths. Some 119,000 people have recovered from infection in the country.
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