With summer in full swing, Iowa American Water is offering tips to customers to help avoid the water overuse pitfalls they say frequently happen this time of year.

According to the water utility company, these tips and insights are designed to “help customers save money while alleviating stress on water supplies and infrastructure” as warmer weather conditions continue in the Quad Cities.

“More families are home and venturing into their yards to engage in outdoor activities, many involving an increased use of their water,” says Brad Nielsen, Vice President of Operations at Iowa American Water in Davenport. “Unfortunately, many customers don’t think about the amount of water they are using ‘in the moment.'”

Nielsen adds that reality doesn’t hit for some customers until after they receive a higher water bill.

“Our goal is to raise our customers’ awareness and help them be proactive with simple tips they can implement now that allow them to save later.”

Iowa American Water wants to remind people of the value and finite supply of water while empowering them with the following “wise water tips” they can use every day to reduce usage and save money:

  • Reuse it. Use water from rain barrels and kiddie pools for watering lawns and gardens.
  • Embrace the bucket. Instead of using a running hose, use water contained in a bucket for washing cars and pets, as well as rinsing dirty or grassy feet.
  • Timing is everything. Only use water during the coolest parts of the day (early morning or evening) to minimize evaporation. Also, be aware of which plants don’t need to be watered every day.
  • Odd/even watering of lawns. Watering lawns uses a lot of water, so only water them when necessary. Generally, lawns only need an inch or so of water per week.
  • Rain delay. Watch weather forecasts to avoid Mother Nature rewatering gardens, which could also damage plants.
  • Pick plants wisely. Purchase varieties that require less water and remain hearty in drier weather, and don’t forget to mulch only 2 to 3 inches to help with water retention.
  • Be a leak detective. Find and fix leaks and breaks in hoses, sprinkler systems and pipes. For help, download Iowa American Water’s Leak Detection Kit.
  • Raise the blade. Raise the level of lawnmower blades to avoid lawn burnout and the need for watering.
  • Keep an eye out. Watch the “sweep” of sprinklers to make sure all water is reaching vegetation that needs it and not the pavement. Check this frequently in case a person or animal has accidentally redirected sprinklers.

More tips for indoor and outdoor water use can be found here.

In addition, Iowa American Water wants to remind lower-income customers that they may qualify to receive emergency assistance in paying their water bill through the utility company’s H20 Help to Others Program, which is administered by Community Action of Eastern Iowa. More information is here.

Follow Iowa American Water on Facebook and Twitter, and American Water on LinkedIn, for further information.