For Michael Lane, the case for building more housing is not an emotional appeal nor is it an analytical argument. It’s both.

With more than two decades worth of experience as a self-described “houser,” the policy director for the Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California said he finds the most effective way to reach consensus is a balanced, thoughtful approach.

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(2) comments

vincent wei

Please don't conflate non-profit, affordable housing with for profit, market rate housing.

Even though this is a feel good story and I admire non-profit affordable builders, articles like this tend to actually obstruct the very real fact that the real estate development here on the Peninsula has been and continues to be for profit, market rate housing.

And consequently, adding all of the 1000’s of units in San Mateo, built as TOD development for the last 10 years, have NOT lowered real estate prices in San Mateo or anywhere else on the Peninsula that I know of.

Christopher Conway

You would think that this guy is a genius the way these politicians talk about him. Quite the opposite. He is just another advocate for people who can't afford it in our county and he wants you to pay for it. He has influence which just makes him more of a threat to local authority on what gets built and when. When he is is supported by Wiener and Chiu that can't be good for me and you. I'm telling you, another person who relocated to this area and wants to tell long time residents how the milk gets in the coconut as it pertains to housing. I am telling you the threat to our county is coming from the north and in particular district 5. Tell this man that we do not want control of housing stock decisions taken away from local citizens and local control.

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