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City of Des Moines

Climate Action and Adaptation Plan


We are excited that you’ve chosen to contribute your time and ideas to help develop ADAPT DSM – Des Moines’ first Climate Action and Adaptation Plan. This is the first of two surveys designed to help shape ADAPT DSM. This survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. We ask that you only take this survey once, but please share this survey with your friends, families, neighbors, and co-workers.

A climate action and adaptation plan acts as a guide for addressing the causes and impacts of climate change. It sets goals and identifies solutions to 1) reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that cause changing weather patterns and 2) increase our resiliency to disasters that are worsened by climate change.

This survey is an opportunity to help shape ADAPT DSM by sharing your climate change concerns and ideas. Importantly, we hope this survey elevates a diverse set of voices, so that we can develop a plan that reflects the priorities of the entire community, especially those who are most impacted by climate change. Individual survey responses will remain anonymous, so please share your honest experiences and opinions; we want to hear from you! 

Climate Action is for everyone! We need to hear from YOU!