Strategic Plan
We unite people to fight for clean water and the climate.
What's New?
bradford island tile sized by ubaldo hernandez
Restoration Advisory Board Meeting
Bradford Island Public Input Opportunity

The next Bradford Island Federal Facility National Priorities Site Listing Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) is scheduled for Tuesday, May 14, 2024, from 5-7 p.m. via Microsoft Teams.

Image of poster and in the background is a green bridge and sky, Poster reads "Oil trains are over!" with a dinosaur ripping up an oil train. Taken at the Zenith Climate Rally in summer of 2023.
Breaking News:
Zenith's Bad Plan

Zenith Energy’s plan to expand operations brings new threats to public health and safety, and the environment. 

The White House is the official residence and workplace of the president of the United States.
Historic Columbia River Basin Agreement
at the White House

“We applaud the Biden Administration for partnering with Tribes and States to reach this historic agreement. We have the opportunity to build a Pacific Northwest with abundant salmon and affordable, reliable clean energy. Now is the time for congressional leaders and others to lean in and support this important process.” -Emily Washines, Columbia Riverkeeper Board President

Pumped Storage
FERC Ignores Tribal, Environmental Concerns

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) released the final environmental review for the Goldendale Pumped Storage development...

Columbia Riverkeeper Executive Director Lauren Goldberg standing at the Columbia River.
Director’s Message
What keeps you partnering with Columbia Riverkeeper?

Columbia Riverkeeper celebrated another year of victories and important progress in underdog fights. You make these victories possible.

stop gtn xpress with map of washington state, oregon, idaho with a pipeline
GTN Xpress Pipeline:
A Clear and Present Danger to Our Communities

GTN Xpress’ fossil fuel pollution and climate change would disproportionately impact marginalized communities, particularly communities of color, youth, and those with lower incomes. Learn more about the region-wide effort to stop climate-changing fracked gas pollution.


Columbia Riverkeeper works to protect, restore, & care for the Columbia River.



How we do it:


We protect Columbia River communities and habitat from new threats, such as fossil fuel export terminals and intensive industrial development.


We restore our right to clean water and healthy fish by reducing toxic pollution.


We care for the river by providing hands-on opportunities for diverse communities to engage with their river.


Celebrate a Year of Victories on the Columbia


We use legal advocacy and community organizing to stop pollution, fight fossil fuel terminals, save salmon, build stewardship, and clean up Hanford.