The Iowa Environmental Council hosts several events throughout the year, including our Environmental Lobby Day during legislative session and Pro H2O in the spring.

We also host and participate in other members-only and open events throughout the year including clean-ups; water monitoring; wind, solar and water tours; house parties; receptions and more. To submit an event to be considered for our calendar, please click here.

This Event has expired.

Paddle the Iowa River

  • Date: August 19, 2023
    Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm
    Location: Iowa River
    South Amana, IA

Come to the Amana Colonies for a four hour paddle trip on the Iowa River! Hop in the river with your kayak or canoe in South Amana and paddle down the river to Homestead. This event is self-guided and doesn’t have a specific start time. We suggest getting on the river around 10:00 am and packing a picnic lunch to enjoy on one of the many sandbars along the way.

From 9:00 am – 11:00 am, the Visitors Center will run a free shuttle between the South Amana and Homestead. 

Learn more about the event and get shuttle and canoe rental information here